[Vol. 158] 7 fish in 1 day, 6 of them within 30 minutes! Best land based barramundi fishing in years Скачать
[Vol. 127] Fish attractant in a soft plastic Land based barramundi fishing near town in Darwin Скачать
[Vol. 121] Improving fish luring efficiency Land based barramundi fishing near town in Darwin Скачать
[Vol. 120] Finally very small lure caught fish Land based barramundi fishing near town in Darwin Скачать
[Vol. 117] Ultra light power rod and reel with the best soft plastic bait. Customized scooter Скачать
[Vol. 114a] Little rain fell in the rainy season Land based barramundi fishing near town in Darwin Скачать
[Vol. 114b] Rapala X-Rap did very good work Land based barramundi fishing near town in Darwin Скачать
[Vol. 92] Using the spinning rod, 56cm Barramundi on Rapala SXRM10 at the centre of Darwin City. Скачать
[Vol. 75] You'd better stay at home than go out for fishing on such a day. 2 small barramundi Скачать
[Vol. 71] Zerek Live Cherabin 100mm, Barramundi are moving about in search of Jelly prawn again. Скачать
[Vol. 67] 1st impressions of Shimano Curado DC, Full cast without thumbing the spool. 3 Barramundi! Скачать
[Vol. 65] One of the best fights! Using a slow reel, I caught a strong Blue salmon. No barramundi Скачать
[Vol. 56] Akame Tackle's soft plastic did very good work for land based barramundi fishing again. Скачать