直播: 你有手麻痺嗎?可能是頸椎根病變!現場運動示範及Q&A ☺️Live: Do you have hand numbness? (HK time GMT+8) Dr. Joe Wong 318 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
直播: 寒背,壞姿勢….怎麼辦? 現場運動示範及Q&A ☺️Live: Slouching and Poor Posture Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 10:30am Скачать
腰痛腿痛原來可以幫家人伸展!張教練教大家肌筋膜手法理療,簡單易做無難度 [Eng Subtitles] Lower Back and Legs DIY Myofascial Therapy Скачать
原來肩頸痛都可以自己按或幫家人按!張教練Alex教大家肌筋膜手法理療,簡單易做無難度 [Eng Subtitles] Neck and Shoulders DIY Myofascial Therapy Скачать
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直播: 扁平足、足底筋膜炎、腳板底痛….怎麼辦?現場運動示範及Q&A ☺️Live: All about Foot pain, Plantar Fasciitis and Flat Foot! Скачать
提升面部輪廓刮沙按摩法Face Lifting Massage with a Scraping Board #汪家智#脊醫#何慧欣中醫師 #提升面部輪廓 #攢竹 #魚腰 #絲竹空 #睛明 #承泣 Скачать
用橡筋帶來做深蹲運動 Using the elastic band to strengthen the outer thigh and IT Band#汪家智 #髂脛束 #汪家智 drjoewong Скачать
胸大肌及胸小肌伸展運動Open your chest to prevent slouching exercise#汪家智#脊醫 #胸大肌 #胸小肌 #寒背#drjoewong #pectmajor Скачать
簡單強化核心肌肉及臀部運動Simple Core and Glutes Exercise#汪家智#脊醫 #臀部肌肉 #drjoewong #coretraining #balance #glutes Скачать
扶着椅子做深蹲Holding the chair to do the Squat#汪家智#脊醫 #深蹲 #膝關節強化 #股四頭肌 #腿無力 #drjoewong #squat #kneepain # Скачать
四個方向伸展頸椎雙下巴運動4 directions Chin Tuck Exercise #汪家智#脊醫#頸痛 #雙下巴運動#椎間盤突出 #手麻痹#drjoewong #chintuck Скачать
活動頸部及腰部運動Mobility exercises for the neck and lower back#汪家智#脊醫#椎間盤突出症#腰椎狹窄症#貓牛式 #drjoewong #catcow Скачать
活動頸部肌肉,增加頸弧度Neck mobility exercise#汪家智 #雙下巴運動 #脊醫#烏龜頸 #頭向前傾 #drjoewong #chintuck #forwardhead Скачать
肩頸膊痛、腰酸背痛、腿痛…周身都痛! 可能是肌筋膜淺背線過緊而導致!四個必做筋膜伸展 [Eng Subtitles] How to Stretch the Superficial Back Line? Скачать
用啞鈴強化二頭肌及三角肌運動Using the dumbbells to strengthen the Biceps and Deltoids #脊醫 #汪家智 #長者衰弱症 #drjoewong Скачать
肩膊及旋轉肌群伸展運動Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Muscles Stretch #汪家智#脊醫#五十肩#高低肩膊 #旋轉肌群 #drjoewong #shoulderpain Скачать
活動眼球幫助面部肌肉運動Eye movements to help facial muscles exercise #汪家智#脊醫#面癱 #貝爾斯麻痹症 #三叉神經痛#drjoewong Скачать
強化股四頭肌及半月板Strengthening the Quads and Meniscus #汪家智 #脊醫 #半月板撕裂#膝頭痛 #股四頭肌 #drjoewong #kneepain Скачать
打開心口,強化背肌及胸肌運動Strengthening the rhomboids and back muscles #汪家智#脊醫#頸椎痛 #c5 #膏肓疼痛症#心口痛 #drjoewong Скачать
用按摩球伸展足底筋膜Using a Massage Ball to Stretch the Plantat Fascia #汪家智#脊醫#扁平足 #足底筋膜炎#drjoewong #footpain Скачать
簡單易做淺背線運動預防腰痛Simple Superficial Back Line Exercise for Low back pain #汪家智#脊醫#淺背線 #背痛#drjoewong Скачать
長者衰弱症需要吃什麼?註冊營養師同大家一齊拆解! 四個增加肌肉練力帶運動 [Eng Subtitles] What is Frailty? What Nutrients do you Need? Скачать
伸展胸大肌、胸小肌肉及手臂肌肉Stretching the Pect Major, Pect Minor and arm muscles #汪家智#脊醫 #drjoewong #胸大肌 #胸小肌 Скачать
再多兩個穴位幫助舒緩濕疹Two more acupressure points for Eczema #汪家智#脊#drjoewong #howaiynec #eczema #acupressure Скачать
股四頭肌、小腿、後腿強化運動Quadriceps, Calf and Hamstrings Strengthening Exercise#脊醫#汪家智#長者衰弱症#drjoewong #frailty Скачать
按三個穴位,可幫助舒緩經痛3 Acupressure Points for Menstrual Pain#汪家智 #脊醫#邱立利中醫師#穴位按摩 #drjoewong #drelizabethyau Скачать
拇指及手腕伸展運動(針對媽媽手)Thumb and Wrist Stretch for De Quervain's tenosynovitis#脊醫 #汪家智 #媽媽手#drjoewong Скачать
二人核心肌群訓練運動Core training exercise for Two#汪家智#脊醫 #周司穎脊醫 #腰痛#核心肌肉強化#drjoewong #chirochowder #core Скачать
仰臥起坐運動,強化核心肌肉Sit up exercise to strengthen the core#汪家智#脊醫 #仰臥起坐核心肌肉強化 #drjoewong #situp #core Скачать
內收肌群伸展動作:適合坐得多的人士Adductors stretch -Good for prolonged seating #汪家智#脊醫#內收肌群#坐得多#drjoewong #adductors Скачать
腹肌、大腸移動、髖關節運動Abdomen, Bowel and Hip exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #便秘 #腹肌 #大腸移動 #髖關節運動 #drjoewong #constipation Скачать
頸部肩部拍打操Flapping exercise for the neck and shoulders #汪家智#脊醫#拍打功 #頸痛#肩痛#drjoewong #flappingexercise Скачать
三招有效核心肌肉運動Three Effective Core Exercises #脊醫 #汪家智 #腰痛 #背痛 #核心肌肉強化#drjoewong #discherniation #core Скачать
濕疹穴位按摩Acupressure for Eczema#汪家智#脊醫#濕疹 #何慧欣中醫師 #合谷穴 #曲池穴#drjoewong #howaiynec #eczema #hegu #quchi Скачать
髖關節及大腿肌肉放鬆運動Hips and leg muscles exercise#脊醫#汪家智 #髖關節痛 #背痛 #大腿痛 #腰痛 #腹股痛#腰大肌伸展 #drjoewong #hippain Скачать
頭及頸穴位按摩法Head and Neck Acupressure #脊醫 #汪家智 #邱立利中醫師 #頭痛 #頭暈#膊頭痛 #頸痛 #寒背 #drjoewong #tcm.elizabeth Скачать
直播: 頭痛頭暈,又關頸事?現場運動示範及Q&A ☺️Live: Why do I have Headache and Dizziness? July 2, 2024 at 10:30am Скачать
三方向伸展上斜方肌3 Directions to Stretch the Upper Traps#脊醫 #汪家智 #上斜方#肩膊痛 #頸痛 #寒背 #背脊痛#drjoewong #uppertraps Скачать
直播: 頭痛頭暈,又關頸事?現場運動示範及Q&A ☺️Live: Why do I have Headache and Dizziness? July 2, 2024 10:30am (GMT+8) Скачать
核心肌肉強化運動Core muscles exercise #脊醫#汪家智 #腰無力 #腰痛 #腿痛#盆骨前傾 #腿冇力#走路困難 #drjoewong #lowbackpain #legpain Скачать
外側肌筋膜線運動Lateral Myofascial line Exercises #脊醫 #汪家智 #側身肌筋膜線 #腿痛 #背痛 #腰痛 #drjoewong #doris#lateralline Скачать
手腕、前手臂、大拇指伸展運動Wrist, Forearm, and Thumb Exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #腕管道綜合症 #手腕痛 #drjoewong #carpaltunnel Скачать
膝關節及脛骨粗隆旋轉運動Knee and Tibial tuberosity Rotation #脊醫 #汪家智 #膝關節#脛骨粗隆#drjoewong #physio_kevin #kneepain Скачать
手肘及內側手臂肌肉按摩法Elbow and Medial Arm Muscles Massage #脊醫 #汪家智 #哥爾夫球肘#drjoewong #golferelbow #elbowpain Скачать
強化腿部、核心肌肉、伸展背脊運動Strengthening the Core, the Knee, Stretching the Trunk #脊醫 #汪家智 #核心肌肉 #drjoewong Скачать
伸展脛前肌及股四頭肌運動Tibialis Anterior and Quadriceps Exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #股四頭肌#脛前肌 #drjoewong #tibialisanterior Скачать
強化臀部、髂脛束及髖關節運動Strengthening the IT Band, Glutes, and Hip Muscle#汪家智 #脊醫 #髖關節強化 #drjoewong #hippain Скачать
胸鎖乳突肌、斜角肌毛巾伸展運動SCM, Scalene Towel Stretch#脊醫 #汪家智 #胸鎖乳突肌 #頸痛 #寒背 #斜角肌 #drjoewong #neckpain #scm Скачать
強化上斜方肌及肩胛肌肉運動Strengthening the upper traps and shoulders #脊醫 #汪家智 #上斜方肌 #drjoewong #uppertraps Скачать
用毛巾伸展足底筋膜及腳指Stretching the Plantar Fascia and Toes with a Towel#脊醫 #汪家智 #足底筋膜炎 #drjoewong #plantar Скачать
牆上腰椎牽引運動Wall traction and stretching for the low back #脊醫 #汪家智 #腰痛 #背痛 #椎間盤突出症 #坐得多 #伸展 #drjoewong Скачать
ELDOA 腰椎肌肉伸展運動ELDOA Exercises for the Low Back#脊醫 #汪家智 #drjoewong #椎間盤突出 #discherniation #ELDOA #腰痛 Скачать
用啞鈴做深蹲強化臀部運動Using a dumbbell to do a Squat (Gluts exercise)#脊醫 #汪家智 #股四頭肌 #腿無力 #drjoewong #squat Скачать
外側肌筋膜線椅子運動Lateral Myofascial Line Chair Exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #外側肌筋膜線 #DorisLi 背痛#drjoewong #lateralline Скачать
比目魚肌及腓腸肌毛巾伸展運動Soleus and Gastroc Towel Stretch#脊醫 #汪家智 #腓腸肌#drjoewong #calfpain #gastroc #soleus Скачать
上斜方肌強化運動Upper traps strengthening exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #上斜方肌 #肩膊痛 #頸痛 #寒背 #背脊痛#drjoewong #uppertraps Скачать
用滾筒按壓腿部擊痛點Using a foam roller to massage the leg#脊醫 #汪家智 #腓腸肌 #抽筋 #比目魚肌 #小腿痛 #drjoewong #legpain Скачать
強化旋轉肌群運Strengthening the rotation Cuff Muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #肩膊痛 #肩周炎 #五十肩 #肩胛擠症候群 #drjoewong #shoulder Скачать
比目魚肌及腓腸肌伸展及強化運動Soleus and Gastroc Stretch and Strengthening #脊醫 #汪家智 #腓腸肌 #抽筋 #比目魚肌 #drjoewong Скачать
強化臀大肌、膕繩肌、核心肌肉運動Strengthening the Glutes Max, Hsmstrings and Core muscles #脊醫#汪家智 #腰椎狹窄症 #drjoewong Скачать
用禪輪來改善富貴包運動 Using the Zen Ring to get rid of Dowager’s Hump#汪家智#脊醫 #富貴包 #禪輪 ##drjoewong #zenring Скачать
強化股四頭肌、臀部大肌肉做椅子深蹲Chair squat for strengthening the quadriceps and glutes #脊醫 #汪家智 #drjoewong #squat Скачать
臀大肌、腰大肌、膕繩肌強化運動Glutes, Psoas and Hamstrings Stretch#脊醫#汪家智 #腰椎狹窄症 #腰椎間盤突出症 #膕繩肌 #腰大肌伸展 #drjoewong Скачать
直播: 頸痛手麻痹,怎麼辦?現場運動示範及Q&A 。Live: Why do I have Neck Pain and hand numbness ? June 4, 2024 at 10:30am Скачать
強化臀大肌及臀中肌運動Strengthening the Gluteus Max and Medius Muscles #汪家智 #脊醫 #臀大肌#走路冇力#drjoewong #GlutesMax Скачать
強化胸大肌、三頭肌、二頭肌Strengthening the Pect Major, Triceps, Biceps to improve posture #脊醫 #汪家智 #drjoewong Скачать
用筋膜球改善扁平足运动 Exercise for Flat foot using a massage ball#汪家智#脊醫 #運動治療師Doris#踝關節 #足痛#扁平足#drjoewong Скачать
強化下斜方肌、菱角肌運動Strengthening the Lower Traps and Rhomboid Exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #棱角肌 #下斜方肌 # #drjoewong Скачать
伸展腰方肌、豎脊肌運動Stretch the Quadratus Lumborum & Erector Spinae #脊醫 #汪家智 #腰痛 #背痛 #腰方肌#豎脊肌 #坐得多 #drjoewong Скачать
中斜方肌強化運動Mid Trapezius Strengthening Exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #寒背 #背脊冇力 #烏龜頸 #中斜方肌 # 背痛 #圓肩 #drjoewong Скачать
強化股四頭肌、脛前肌、腰大肌運動Strengthening the Quadriceps, Tibialis Anterior and Psoas#脊醫 #汪家智 #股四頭肌 #drjoewong Скачать
股四頭肌、腰方肌及腰大肌強化運動Quadriceps, QL and Psoas Strengthening Exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #股四頭肌 #腰方肌#腰大肌 #drjoewong Скачать
三方位強化中及下斜方肌3 directions Lower and Mid Traps Strengthening Exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #中斜方肌 #下斜方肌 #drjoewong Скачать
強化背肌下肢及手臂運動Strengthening the back, legs and arms#脊醫 #汪家智 #背肌 #長者衰弱症 #drjoewong #larrysir #exercise Скачать
為什麼MRI發現有腰椎間盤突,不應立刻做手術? [Eng Subtitles] Why surgery isn't the first option for Disc Herniation? Скачать
強化頸部及背肌運動 Strengthening the neck and the back exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #寒背 #背脊冇力 #drjoewong #slouching Скачать
用筋膜球改善扁平足運動Exercise for flat foot #汪家智#脊醫 #運動治療師Doris#踝關節 #足痛#扁平足 #足底筋膜炎 #增加足弓 #drjoewong #flatfoot Скачать
做運動前必須做的臀部強化運動Bridge Warm up Exercise for the Glutes Muscles#脊醫 #汪家智#橋式 #physio_kevin #drjoewong Скачать
手肘及手臂伸展(OK 手勢)Elbow and Forearm Stretch (OK Sign)#脊醫 #汪家智 #手指痛 #drjoewong #numbness #radiculopathy Скачать
增加平衡力防止跌倒運動Train your balance to prevent falling #脊醫 #汪家智 #平衡力#防止跌到 #drjoewong #balancetraining Скачать
腰大肌及腹股溝肌肉伸展運動Stretching the Psoas and Groin #汪家智 #脊醫 #腰大肌伸展 #腹股溝伸展 #drjoewong #physio_kevin #groin Скачать
棱角肌、下斜方肌強化運動Rhomboid and Lower Traps Strengthening exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #棱角肌 #下斜方肌#寒背 #drjoewong Скачать
強化臀大肌、股四頭肌、膕繩肌運動Strengthening the Gluts, Quadriceps and Hamstrings #脊醫#汪家智 #drjoewong #physio_kevin Скачать
手腕手指頸椎肌肉伸展Wrist, fingers and neck stretch #脊醫 #汪家智 #手指痛 #椎間盤突出症 #頸椎受壓 #drjoewong #neckpain #disc Скачать
強化前脛肌運動Strengthening the Tibialis Anterior Exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #抽筋 #腿無力 #前脛肌 #強化運動 #靜脈曲張 #drjoewong Скачать
子宮及盆底肌肉護理運動(二)Exercise for the Muscles Surrounding the Uterus #脊醫 #汪家智 #子宮護理#更年期綜合症 #經痛 #drjoewong Скачать
子宮及盆底肌肉護理運動Exercise for the Muscles Surrounding the Uterus關於子宮保養瑜伽班 可參考https://www.drjoewong.com Скачать
手腕手臂手指伸展運動Wrist Fingers, and Forearms Stretch #脊醫 #汪家智 #手指痛 #手腕痛 #drjoewong#handnumb #carpaltunnel Скачать
簡單單腳站立平衡運動Simple one legged balance exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #平衡力#防止跌到 #drjoewong#balancetraining #exercise Скачать
腰大肌伸展運動Psoas Muscle Stretch#汪家智 #脊醫 #背痛 #腰大肌伸展 #drjoewong #backspasm #psoas #lowbackpain #drjoewong Скачать
無名指及尾指麻痹…有可能是肘隧道症候群或者頸椎C8 受壓! 如何預防,治療方法及六招運動[Eng Subtitles] My Ring and Little Fingers are Numb! Скачать
站立膕繩肌伸展運動Standing Hamstring Stretch #脊醫 #汪家智 #膕繩肌伸展 #坐骨神經痛 #腿抽筋 #drjoewong #sciatica #hamstrings Скачать
強化前鋸肌運動Strengthening the Serratus Anterior Exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #寒背 #前鋸肌 #serratusanterior #drjoewong Скачать
伸展胸大肌運動Stretching the Pect Major Muscles#脊醫 #汪家智 #頸痛 #寒背 #胸大肌 #drjoewong #pectmajor #neckpain Скачать
伸展胸大肌運動Stretching Exercise for the Pectoralis Major #脊醫 #汪家智 #頸痛 #寒背 #胸大肌 #drjoewong #slouching Скачать
直播: 點解會有腰骨痛?現場30分鐘運動示範及Q&A ☺️Live: Do you have low back pain?April 30, 2024 at 10:30am (GMT+8) Скачать
兩組伸展上斜方肌的方法2 Ways to Stretch the Upper Traps Muscle#脊醫 #汪家智 #上斜方肌 #drjoewong #uppertraps #stretch Скачать
用有刺的按摩球舒緩手部肌肉Using a massage ball with spikes to relieve hand and thenar muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #手麻痹#中風 Скачать
強化旋轉肌群運動 Strengthening Rotator Cuff Muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #高低肩膊 #旋轉肌群#drjoewong #rotatorcuffs #slouching Скачать
用雨傘來伸展旋轉肌群運動 (二)Use and umbrella to stretch the Rotator Cuff muscles (2)#脊醫 #汪家智 #肩周炎 #五十肩#drjoewong Скачать
用雨傘來伸展旋轉肌群運動Use and umbrella to stretch the Rotator Cuff muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #旋轉肌群#寒背 #圓肩 #drjoewong Скачать
SCM stretch and Strengthening the Splenius Capitis and Cervicis#脊醫 #汪家智 #頸痛 #寒背#drjoewong #slouching Скачать
上斜方肌,提肩胛肌伸展運動Upper traps and Levator scap stretching exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #上斜方肌 #提肩胛肌 #頸痛#drjoewong Скачать
打開心口、肋骨及肋間內肌運動Opening the Chest, Rib Cage and the Internal Intercostal Muscles Exercise #drjoewong Скачать
用聲頻來刺激迷走神經線Using sounds to stimulate the Vagus nerve#脊醫 #汪家智 #迷走神經線 #放鬆心情#drjoewong #vagus #stress Скачать
五方位伸展上身、心口及肋骨肌肉5 Directions stretch for the upper body, rib and chest muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #上胸椎痛 #心口痛 Скачать
強化臀部大中小肌運動Strengthening the Gluteal muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #臀部肌肉 #GlutesMid #glutes#drjoewong #weakness Скачать
刺激迷走神經線運動Stimulation of the Vagus nerve exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #迷走神經線 #放鬆心情 #drjoewong #vagus #stress Скачать
大拇指及手指向後伸展運動Thumb and fingers extension exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #手指痛#手指 #手腕痛 #伸展肌肉#drjoewong #carpaltunnel Скачать
簡單坐着腰方肌伸展運動Simple Quadratus Lumborum Stretch#脊醫 #汪家智 #腰部抽筋 #腰方肌伸展 #backspasm #lowbackpain #drjoewong Скачать
最簡單股四頭肌,膝關節拉筋Simpliest Quadriceps and knee stretch #半月板撕裂 #膝關節痛 #腿痛 #膝頭痛 #股四頭肌 #drjoewong #kneepain Скачать
足部及踝關節放鬆運動Ankle and feet relaxation exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #踝關節 #足痛#扁平足 #足底筋膜炎#drjoewong #footpain #ankle Скачать
最簡單的仰臥起坐運動The simplest Sit up and curl exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #仰臥起坐 #核心肌肉強化 #drjoewong #situps #curls Скачать
四招強化臀部肌肉4 Exercises to strengthen the Glutes#脊醫 #汪家智#腿無力#走路冇力 #臀部肌肉 #GlutesMid #glutes #drjoewong Скачать
強化腳趾及腳底足弓肌肉運動Strengthening the toes and arch exercises #脊醫 #汪家智#扁平足 #足底筋膜炎 #增加足弓 #drjoewong #腳踭痛 Скачать
強化臀部肌肉運動Strengthen the Gluteus muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #坐骨神經痛#臀部肌肉 #GlutesMid #glutes#drjoewong #drjoe Скачать
伸展腰部及背背肌肉運動Back and low back stretch #脊醫 #汪家智 #背痛 #drjoewong #腰無力 #exercise #abs #chiropractor Скачать
腿部及手指运动Legs and hand exercise#痛風 #手指痛 #膝關節痛#走路冇力 #drjoewong #kneepain #osteoarthritis #fingerpain Скачать
用橡筋帶來強化背肌運動Strengthen the back with an elastic band#脊醫 #汪家智 #寒背 #圓肩 #drjoe #rhomboids #slouching Скачать
股四頭肌等長收縮運動Isometric exercise for the quads#脊醫 #汪家智 #膝關節痛 #等長收運動#股四頭肌 #腿無力#走路冇力 #drjoewong #kneepain Скачать
腿痛,腿冇力: 一起練習拍打操 (大腿)Let’s do flapping exercises for the thigh#脊醫 #汪家智 #背肌 #腿痛 #背痛 #拍打操 #drjoewong Скачать
大家一齊做拍打操(側邊身體)Let's do the flapping exercise(The Side of the Body)#脊醫 #汪家智 #背肌 #背痛 #拍打操#drjoewong Скачать
大家跟我一齊做拍打操(前面身體)Let's do the flapping exercise (Frontal body)#脊醫 #汪家智 #拍打操 #drjoewong #flapping Скачать
強化背肌及腿肌運動Core, back and legs exercises #脊醫 #汪家智 #背肌 #寒背 #背痛 #drjoewong #核心肌肉 #腰無力 #coreworkout Скачать
強化背肌及旋轉肌群運動Back muscles and rotator cuff strengthening exercise#脊醫 #汪家智 #旋轉肌群 #背肌 #寒背 #背痛 #drjoewong Скачать
直播:你有膝關節痛嗎?Live: Do you have knee pain? March 27, 2024 at 8:30pm (GMT+8) 今次的直播,主題是關節痛的問題。如何檢查,診斷及治療。 Скачать
強化內收肌群及髖屈肌群運動Strengthening the adductors and hip flexors #脊醫 #汪家智 #內收肌群 #髖屈肌群 #腿無力#走路冇力 #drjoewong Скачать
強化菱角肌運動Rhomboids strengthening exercise #脊醫 #汪家智 #寒背 #圓肩 #drjoe #走路冇力 #腰骨痛 #背脊痛 #菱角肌 #drjoewong Скачать
坐着強化股四頭肌及大腿肌肉Seated Quadriceps muscles exercises #脊醫 #汪家智 #半月板撕裂 #膝關節痛 #腿痛 #膝頭痛 #股四頭肌 #drjoewong Скачать
牆上強化臀部及核心肌肉運動Wall strengthening exercise for Gluts and Core muscles #脊醫 #汪家智 #半月板撕裂 #膝頭痛 #drjoewong Скачать
強化股四頭肌運動Strengthening the Quadriceps #脊醫 #汪家智 #半月板撕裂 #腿痛 #膝頭痛 #股四頭肌 #kneepain #meniscus #drjoewong Скачать
站立Y 字強化背脊及斜方肌肌肉Standing doing the letter Y#脊醫 #汪家智 #寒背 #圓肩 #drjoe #走路冇力 #腰骨痛 #背脊痛 #斜方肌 #drjoewong Скачать
麥基爾側平板支撐(高級)McGill Side Plank (Advanced level)#脊醫 #汪家智 #腿無力 #drjoe #走路冇力 #腰骨痛#核心肌肉訓練 #做早操 #drjoewong Скачать
麥基爾側平板支撐(中級)McGill Side Plank(Moderate level)#脊醫 #汪家智#drjoe #走路冇力 #腰骨痛 #背脊痛 #核心肌肉訓練 #drjoewong Скачать
麥基爾側平板支撐(初級適合長者)McGill Side Plank (For Beginners, suitable for seniors )#脊醫 #汪家智 #drjoe #走路冇力 #腰骨痛 Скачать