Massive unexpected Boost in lettuce growth in solar steamed soil! Why is it roughly 20% better? Brian White 7,01 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Massive unexpected Boost in lettuce growth in solar steamed soil! Why is it roughly 20% better? Скачать
Motor or Waterwheel? Surprising answer! #diy #solarpanel #automation #solartracker #sustainability Скачать
5. Stabilizing ring for waterwheel capstan drive reduces feedback from wind gusts on the reflector Скачать
Part 4 It works! Waterwheel rotates the tracking solar reflector, Now, what shall we call it? Скачать
Part 3: Oscillating fan converted to mini waterwheel/ winch/ capstan drive. Educational project! Скачать
Fan to waterwheel conversion use Capstan Drive to move a solar reflector. Videos 2 and 3 are up Now. Скачать
Solar tracking on Equatorial mount. How are the experiments going? More detail in the description Скачать
SECOND test of DIY solar reflector, equatorial mount with tracking, heating water much improved! Скачать
First Airlift pumped 2 float solar tracker, more accurate tracking than 90% of commercial trackers! Скачать
Zombie solar tracking. Baby steps. Start of solar cooker build and a 15 degree hourly measure. Скачать
DIY! Zombie Pneumatic Solar Tracking for solar panels & solar cookers September 28 & October 1 Скачать
Automatic watering & fertilizing of plants on a table for the organic terrace gardens fbook group Скачать
Motor and gearbox for the Zombie Pneumatic Solar Tracker/timer are now connected and working! Скачать
Demo of Zombie Pneumatic Solar Tracking (solar panel on equatorial mount controlled from afar). Скачать
Proof of concept! Zombie Pneumatic solar tracker rotates solar panels, solar cookers at a distance! Скачать
"Tip and Drip irrigation or hydroponics & integrated compost tea! Alternative to flood and drain? Скачать
New 4 seasons high tunnel concept! Convert your greenhouse for all year use! Hungry times coming... Скачать
Sun path diagrams for designing greenhouses, & solar greenhouses and high tunnels. Key differences! Скачать
Use 3 inch pipe instead of 2 by 4's for framing of insulated north wall of 4 seasons greenhouse? Скачать
April 13th Experimental greenhouse update with advice for others! Automatic watering is great! Скачать
Combine a Hydrodynamic Screw and Archimedes Screw on one shaft to use water power to pump water? Скачать
How to airlift pump from 7 inches (too little submergence) to 49 inches. With practical tips. Скачать
December 16th. A quick look through my friend's experimental greenhouse. Peppers still fruiting! Скачать
Experimental greenhouse, 15 C reduction in air temp! Why is it time for emergency ventilation? Скачать
Climate battery: Overview of heat and moisture transfer experiments in the experimental greenhouse. Скачать
Quick temporary video. Experimental greenhouse! Let it rain! J strip moisture collector works! Скачать
"Drip and Tip irrigation" is a DIY alternative to Drip irrigation. A Trial run in a greenhouse.... Скачать
Morgellons disease! Its real! Not delusional at all. So why are wikipedia editors hiding evidence? Скачать
Faster than the wind, DOWNWIND! Propeller driven landyacht, Shows where the energy comes from! Скачать
Rest in Peace, Tammy Hermary who had Lyme disease, she could barely walk. Sorry we failed her. Скачать
Jades February 25 2014 angioplasty update. How is she doing? We got it for her MS like illness. Скачать
Outdoor "hydronic" window screen solar heat collector (for warming plant roots in raised beds, etc). Скачать
Insect screen garden solar heat collector MK 1 Good to go!! (Also works to cool greenhouse air) Скачать
Connections. Brain cooling! Auto mechanic helps anthopologist solve 2 million year old mystery! Скачать