Better Governor with Governors for Schools: Ofsted in 2024-25 Governors for Schools 730 подписчиков Скачать
Empowering inclusion - how school governors can work with schools to create an inclusive culture Скачать
Representing every child - why experiences of neurodiversity and invisible disability matter on g... Скачать
How can governors address staffing issues? - Interview with Gemma Scotcher, Education Support Скачать
How can governors address costs for parents and carers? - Interview with Kate Anstey, Child Pover... Скачать
How governors can ensure a skills-based education prepares pupils for employment. (Secondary Focus) Скачать
How governors can ensure a skills-based education prepares pupils for employment. (Primary focus) Скачать
Supporting your alumni’s professional development through school governance (GfS Conference 2021) Скачать
School governor initiative impact report from The University of Manchester (GfS Conference 2021) Скачать
Reducing avoidable school exclusions: the role of governors in a fair and robust exclusions process Скачать
Panel webinar: How and why school governors should support staff mental health and wellbeing ? Скачать
Promoting anti racism in schools – the governance of preparing all pupils for life in modern Britain Скачать
Webinar: Ofsted, the curriculum and consultation on a new inspection framework for September 2019 Скачать