Don't Quit by Edgar A. Guest | II Semester | General English Unit 1.1 | தமிழில் Dr Shobana's Literature Classes 11 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
The Cambridge Ladies by E.E. Cummings| PG TRB American Literature| Line by Line Analysis| தமிழில் Скачать
Title of Containers Contributors, key & other types of contributors| Research methodology| தமிழில் Скачать
Titles| Titles, Subtitles, Generic Labels, Shortened Title, Quoted text as Title etc| தமிழில் Скачать
Creating and Formatting Entries, The MLA Core Elements, Author |Research Methodology| தமிழில் Скачать
Lexical Relations| Homonymy, Homophony, Polysemy and Collocations| Language and Linguistics| தமிழில் Скачать
Lexical Relations| Synonymy, Antonymy, Hyponymy, Prototypes| Language and Linguistics| தமிழில் Скачать
Paraphrasing| When to Paraphrase| How to Paraphrase and Give Credit| Research Methodology| தமிழில் Скачать
Why Plagiarism Is a Serious Matter?| Forms of Plagiarism| Research Methodology Unit II | தமிழில் Скачать
Formatting Research| Proof Reading, Spell Checkers| Binding a Print, Electronic Submission |தமிழில் Скачать
Formatting Research| Running Head and Page Numbers, Internal Headings and Subheadings| தமிழில் Скачать
Essay Writing Part II - Types of Essays| Descriptive, Expository, Narrative, Persuasive| Semester I Скачать
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson| II M.A., WRITINGS OF THE MARGINALIZED| தமிழில் Скачать
From work to text - Roland Barthes| Summary in Tamil| Essay| II M.A., literary criticism| தமிழில் Скачать
Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson| III Semester | General English| Story in Tamil| Essay| தமிழில் Скачать
Mother Courage and Her Children - Bertolt Brecht| Part I| Conclusion| Summary| Analysis| | தமிழில் Скачать
Can the Subaltern Speak? by Gayathri Chakravorty Spivak| Analytical Summary| II MA., |தமிழில் Скачать
"Digging" by Seamus Heaney| M.A., I Semester| Poetry| Text Line by Line Analysis Essay | தமிழில் Скачать
One Hundred Years of Solitude-Part II Conclusion| தமிழில்| Summary| Essay |M.A., Science Fiction Скачать
Three side Ways stories from Wayside School| Story in Tamil| I Semester General English | தமிழில் Скачать
The Magic brocade| Story in Tamil | Summary in Tamil | Essay|I semester| General English| தமிழில் Скачать
Where there is a Will by Mahesh Dattani| Summary| Story in Tamil| Essay| III Semester| தமிழில் Скачать
Sounds of Language | Consonants III Explanation in Tamil| Affricates Approximants, Transcriptions Скачать
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech- Wangari Maathai| Summary |General English III Semester | தமிழில் Скачать
Irony as a Principle of Structure by Cleanth Brooks| Summary in Tamil| PG TRB| II M.A.,| தமிழில் Скачать
Barn Burning by William Faulkner - I semester General English | Essay | Summary in Tamil| தமிழில் Скачать
Reformation -Causes and Effects| Social History of England- I Semester B.A., Literature| தமிழில் Скачать
Paragraph Writing| General English I Semester | Explanation in Tamil| Tansche |Paragraph Writing Скачать
Alien Invasion Fiction, Apocalyptic Fiction and Post Apocalyptic fiction | I M.A., Science Fiction Скачать
Ode to Dejection- S T Coleridge| Conclusion| PG TRB | Line by Line analysis in Tamil| தமிழில் Скачать
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening| General English | 1st semester| Summary in Tamil| தமிழில் Скачать
The things that haven't been done before- General English 1st semester| Summary in Tamil| தமிழில் Скачать
Formatting the Research Project| Research Methodology| Tamil| II M.A.,| Margin| Text Format| Title Скачать
Life of Milton by Samuel Johnson| Dr. Johnson's Life Of Milton| Detailed Summary| Tamil| PG TRB Скачать
Of Friendship- Francis Bacon| Summary In Tamil| III Semester General English| PG TRB| தமிழில் Скачать
The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M.K. Gandhi- in Tamil| I Semester | General English Скачать
The Gift of the Magi by O' Henry -Summary |Story in Tamil| English III Semester| Essay| தமிழில் Скачать
Elizabethan Theatre Groups and Elizabethan Audience| Summary in Tamil| Famous Theatres| I M.A., Скачать
Telephone conversation - Wole Soyinka | Summary in Tamil| General English | III Semester | PG TRB Скачать
Structure, Sign and Play in the discourse of Human Sciences |Deconstruction in Tamil II M.A.,| Скачать
In a Grove by Ryunosuke Akutagawa| Story in Tamil| Essay| Summary| III Semester English| தமிழில் Скачать
Ecological Imperialism - Summary in Tamil| II M.A., Post colonial Literature | Unit I Key concepts. Скачать
Mechanics of Prose- Part II | Colons, semi-colons, Dashes, Parentheses, Hyphens, Slashes, Quotations Скачать
Archetypes of Literature by Northrop Frye - Summary in Tamil| தமிழில்| PGTRB| NET II M.A., | SET | Скачать
Change of meaning II - Semantics | Radiation| Association of Ideas| Amelioration | Deterioration Скачать
Literary Movements Part I(PG TRB )Metaphysical |Cavalier Poets| Augustan Poets| Graveyard Poets Скачать