06-09-2013 Jerusalem- Muslimen unter 50 Jahren Zutritt in die Al-Aqsa Moschee verboten yoome4 1,21 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
14-08-2013 Military Junta collected the massacred muslims with bulldozer, crushed and burned them Скачать
SiSi Force burned after massacre on Adawaya Square the Adawaya Mosque in Cairo- Egypt 14-08-2013 Скачать
26-7-2013 Egypt Military massacred 200 people, 5000 are seriously injured on Rab'a al-Adaweya Square Скачать
Egypt- During His One year of Presidency President Muhammad Mursi doesn't forget calling for prayer Скачать
Masum eylemciler? Bakin fakir fukaranin engelli vatandaslarin ekmek parasiyla nasil oynamislar Скачать
11.06.2013 What´s happening in London?Taş yok, molotof yok; POLİS ŞİDDETİ VAR! İşte Avrupa Gerçegi Скачать
+18 05/06 June 2013 Bangladesh- Secular Democratic Government slaughtered more than 2500 Muslims Скачать
03-06-2013 Taksim Gezi Parki Olaylarinda Kefere Alevi Kemalistler Hinclarini Camiden Cikardilar Скачать
18 01 2013 Syria Idleb Ma'arat Beharren Our Leader is Muhammad saw and not Bashar the Butcher! Скачать
25.01.2013 Syria Idlib- Rescue civillians out of the central torture prison of the Assadregime Скачать
09.06.2012 Support and Supplications for free Syria- First Open Air Islamic peace conference-Germany Скачать
01.06.2012 Syria Aleppo- Assad's thugs opened fire and shot a child during the peaceful protest Скачать
Snapshot 08-06-2012- Large Demo in whole Syria- Hand in Hand against the terrorregime of Assad Скачать
Al-Assad cut off water supplies and the almighty God send the rain to Al-Rastan_ Syria 29.04.2012 Скачать
Barbaric Shiatan militia of Assad tattooed shia slogan on forehead of a trapped sunni civillian Скачать
Istanbul-Turkey- 31.05.2011- Thousands of Protesters called for justice-There is No God but Allah Скачать