Koliko je za nju cestarina? / How much is the toll for her? #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Dashcam Croatia 2,16 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Prišuljao se s boka. / He sneaked up on us from the side. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
If you thought that it was rare to run into a bird, it is not! Video number 2. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Sometimes even birds can surprise you. Although the pheasant is a large bird! #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Ovaj put je vozač Renaulta nervozan ili? /This time the Renault driver is nervous or #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Ovaj put mu ni žmigavac nije pomogao. / This time, even the blinker didn't help him. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
U današnje vrijeme svi mogu biti taxisti. / Nowadays, everyone can be a taxi driver. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Lagana šetnja po cesti. / Easy walk on the road. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security Скачать
You are not even aware of what is happening behind you! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
A što da mu čovjek kaže na ovo? / And what should a man say to him about this? #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Manjak strpljenja! / Lack of patience! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security #blackvue Скачать
Running a red light and turning from the wrong lane. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Skratio si put. / He took a shortcut. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security #blackvue Скачать
Jedno brzinsko ubacivanje zabranjenim smjerom. / A quick, illegal U-turn. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Opasnost vreba iz mraka! / A threat hides in the shadows. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Ne hodaju pješaci samo po ulicama gradova. / People don't just walk on city streets. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Voda na cesti može biti opasna. / Water on the road can be dangerous. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Opet kamikaze u Utrinama. / Pedestrians on the road again. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Netreba uvijek biti prvi, ili... / You don't always have to be the first, or... #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Ležeran prolazak biciklom na crveno. / Casual cycling through a red light. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
The Alfa driver is not worried about traffic jams. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #security #dashcamera Скачать
You must be wondering what he is doing in front of the car? Judge for yourself. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Grandma unfortunately fell, fortunately without serious consequences. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Treba uvijek pratiti prometne znakove! / You should always follow the road signs! #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Smart i polukružno okretanje. / Smart and U-turn #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security Скачать
Ne prolaze samo automobili na crveno svjetlo! / Not only cars pass the red light! #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Još jedan primjer nepoštivanja prometnih pravila. / Another example of disobeying traffic rules. Скачать
Još jedne škare, ovaj put Mercedes./ Nearmiss, but this time Mercedes.. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
BMW-om u škare. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security #fyp #baddriver #baddriving Скачать
Is a cyclist supposed to ride like this? Although he is a professional. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Strpljenje mu nije vrlina. / Patience is not his virtue. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Crveno ili ne? #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security #blackvue #caughtonblackvue Скачать
There was more than enough time for the driver to stop, but there you go... #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Brave or dangerous? Overtaking the truck before the bend. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Jedno laganini crveno svjetlo. / One slow red light. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Ima još života u ovom starcu. / There's still life in this old truck. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
U mraku je vidljivost uvijek lošija. / Visibility is always worse in the dark. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Nisu se mogli dogovoriti tko će prije. / They couldn't agree on who would go first. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Ljubaznost ili nesnalažljivost? / Kindness or ingenuity? #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Kad pogriješiš samo se okreni! / When you make a mistake, just turn around! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Rarely seen footage of a truck feeding on a road sign. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
We slowly return to Zagreb and its drivers. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security Скачать
Ovaj puta je motorist u prekršaju. / This time the motorcyclist is in violation. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Strpljenje je vrlina! / Patience is a virtue! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security Скачать
Ima toga još. Još jedan bezobziran vozač! / There's more. Another reckless driver! #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Nastavljamo s još jednom rizičnom vožnjom. / We continue with another risky ride. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Another one in the series, "Why are traffic jams on Croatian highways!" #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Audi ima bolji start. /Audi has a better start. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security Скачать
Vroooooom #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security #blackvue #caughtonblackvue #baddriver Скачать
Izgubljen u vremenu i prostoru! / Lost in time and space! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
When you're in a hurry, it doesn't matter who you endanger! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
When you forget that there is also a tram in Zagreb. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Ni žmigavac ga ne može opravdati. / Not even a blinker can justify it. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Prišuljali su se sa stražnje strane. / They sneaked up from the back. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Vlak nije uvijek brži. / The train is not always faster. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Tesla ima neki posebni način razmišljanja! / Tesla has a special way of thinking! #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Besraman prolazak kroz crveno svjetlo. / Shameless passing through a red light. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Malo zagrebačkok slaloma. / A little slalom. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera #security Скачать
Primjer opasne vožnje na našim autocestama. / An example of dangerous driving on our highways. Скачать
Prometna nesreća kamiona i automobila. / Truck and car traffic accident. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Jedva vidljivi romobil u mraku. / Barely visible electric scooter in the dark. #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Skoro je udario pješaka. / He almost hit a pedestrian. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Bez brige, pješacima je crveno na semaforu! / Don't worry, the traffic light is red for pedestrians! Скачать
Iako Although you can't see very well, the truck is indeed backing up on the freeway #dashcamcroatia Скачать
Car repair in the middle of the road, really dangerous! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Vrlo česta pojava u Dubravi. / Very common on this part of the road. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
A kak mu je to uspjelo. / And how did he manage to do that. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Malo je previše provirio. / He peeked a little too much. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Ovaj put nema isprekidane linije. / There is no dotted line this time. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
What is your opinion, is this kind of overtaking allowed? #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Najbolje je požuriti prije kamiona! / Best to hurry before the truck! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Obojicu vuče desno. / It pulls both of them to the right. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать
Još jedno grubo kršenje prometnih propisa! / Another traffic violation! #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
When you think that hazardous lights justify the opposite direction. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam Скачать
Nema strpljenja za radove. / No patience for roadwork. #dashcamcroatia #dashcam #caughtoncamera Скачать