#112 #2002 #witch #spellcaster will drive over a bridge? And drown #channeledmessages Sky Goddess 333 89 подписчиков Скачать
#324 #enery #harvesting What will they say about me ( U mean when people find out the truth) He-she Скачать
Hey #1710 #divinemasculine #crown is mighty #transformers #truth #legends help! #divineprotector Скачать
#17 coming in 2defend U!! So you can WIN Win chicken dinner! Thank U #1710 #peopleschamp #hero Скачать
#change starts w/U, not 4 anyone else, but 2be better then U were yesterday. Discipline #bigchange Скачать
They love only 20% of U- all fake! #startingover #thatwillneverwork #thisisyourlife #harddecisions Скачать
Lost Soul Stealers - could not steal ur Essence thought they had you down #222 act you out! Скачать
The secret 🤫 is OUT!!! All can SEE it now!! Hooray!😁 😂 Yup 👍 Happy Thanksgiving Mother Divine!! Скачать
#godsmessageforme God says you have the right 2change URmind, when there is no love 4U their. Скачать
#316 #overlooked now will be #overbooked any month u notice 2 -17th #overdue #largeandincharge Скачать
We are not animals, but some want to #exploit U and #ride u as a #vehicle #nottodaysatan #godsaveme Скачать
Be A model representation of “the one” speard the 💗 #alienthinking #superhumans #conscioustech Скачать
SEKHMET sent this hit! Of all ur animal hearts-ur demons can’t save you now! Thank U Goddess! Скачать
#212 #job #godwantstotalktoyou #thistarotreadingwasmeanttofindyou #godsmessageforme #noseypeople Скачать
Thy Lords of Karma are here to collect thee. Found GUILTY on all counts, all charges, all foes Скачать
#godwantstotalktoyou #spelljar #containers con-tain u. sup-press u down make u small and shut up 🤐 Скачать
#divinemasculine making themselves known Let’s go!! Who Ra!! #protect & #provides #sacredunion Скачать
#godwantstotalktoyou #spiritualmessages #family #calledout #love #libra #leo #godwantstotalktoyou Скачать
When U throw away “thee one” then God takes away 10. Those be the rules keep 01 gain 10. It’s on U. Скачать
#godsmessageforme #leo #taurus #aquarius #someone #unknown called u #goldplated oh shucks ! 😆  Скачать
#godsmessageforme #godsmessagetoday all u need is love & here r the colors to see that truth. Скачать
God’s message for me today #stitch #love #duet #funny #forewarned #countrymagicstitch #stitchmagic Скачать
A message from your future self tarot- no take backies. #thisisyourlife #helpyourself #maketime Скачать
Tarot card reading good guidance #Pisces #Scorpio #Cancer #Aquarius #Gemini #Libra #tarotonline  Скачать
Spiritual tarot card reading- is your love spell not working?! lol that only means they woke up Скачать
#icon states - The duality of #222 yes angels numbers are good and bad it depends on - where are U? Скачать
God message for me today - lost in love #bestillmyheart #lovemenot #waitingforlove #somethingaboutu Скачать
God message for me today - smoke n mirrors - #captainobvious #orix #orishas #santería #santeria Скачать
God message for me today -#lady #guadalupe #thrones #fatima #prophecy #mercy #everlasting #melord Скачать
God message for me today - stay clear away these peeps who start a fire 🔥 and then want 2be thehero Скачать
God message for me today- love hex sent x Ex /ex family member /ex friend. Why they do this? #amen Скачать
God message for me today. Letters stay clear off. Be aware. Always be awake do not zombie out! Focus Скачать
Gods message for you today #gemini #shadow of the same song n dance. Check ur #envy at the door Скачать
Spirit wants you to know this and stay in the know. #hiddenspirits #thatsthespirit #truespirit Скачать
11/11 😮 Forgery Margie! Fake business - in ur name?! - family&friends R wakin up illusion spell Скачать
#444 the message is being relieved but u are refusing 2know this. It’s ok ✅ give urself some time Скачать
North gate South Gate red n blue make thy violet flame. Master St Germain 4I have on thing to fear Скачать
#bro listen 👂 up - thinkin of getting a ring. #ring -She had an affair with someone who has mo 💰 Скачать
Stay aware of a #watersigns #darksouls #karma is being delivered and they deny this. Stay clear Скачать
#crone #miséria sending you ghosts to body snatch you, ride u like a car. #444 #blocked #ancestors Скачать
This person wants to work with you G D B P #openrole #colabration #unity #spark #ideas #onwords Скачать
We have lost our respect for you because of all the magic you do on us. Game over - swap monkeys Скачать
No one can out think a #scorpio but a #taurus can keep balance #stargod #doublescorpio #pleiadian Скачать
#clarity is the tea!! No more 💩 good work #getclarity #speakclearly #clearthinking #clearhistory Скачать
I know who U R!! Intrusive thoughts my ass, they are talking smack about u!! And you already know  Скачать
Shaman changes🍀people #sacredscience #shamanichealing #modernmystic #shambhala #sacredmedicines Скачать
person w/ E M W 3 born on the 3rd 🥉 or in March #ohmeohmy #killingmesoftly #brokenmelody #answerme Скачать
Blood 🩸 Ritual #backfired - all u did was cause us to die and be reborn in thy blood of CHRIST! Скачать
M.O. trauma bond when does it stop she doing even know. #spellbound #emotionaldamage #thesign Скачать
not ur dad! Sugadaddy #downsouth #fulltilt #billyboy #rockygeorge #beatbobbyflay #biged #majormelon Скачать
getting even ur thing? Think again #thingsiwantedtosay #oppositeday #nottalking #slowclap #tooclose Скачать
#moonday #mars #mercury #demon #lostsouls get possessed /they need a body  #demigoddess #mercurius Скачать
Straight cop is having a come to Jesus moment & accept the fact that your gay! #jesuslovesyou Скачать
THE FALL of the Queer of Cups : same sex escort - slept w/acop, lied said it was U 2 defaced U! Скачать
We the collective R done loving these stone cold 🥶 people who used U 2feel better about themselves Скачать
#mandurugo #ppp #loans debt. #scorn #score #scorpio #losers #mismanagement #payoff #opportunistic Скачать
#maskoff to all the liars ,cheats , stealers 4U Rthe 1s of #dirty #deeds - #itstimetomakeachange Скачать
Do not stick around w people who make U feel less #hatersbackoff #nothappy #damnstrait #aboff Скачать
they don’t love you like I love you. #maps #combichrist #nolife #wytches #crawlingchaos #stealie Скачать
#sinisterplot - sex #magic #1221 #rituals to oppress you by a #demonic #ghost - #guilty #spellwork Скачать
Truth is out and all can see that envious face u carry #envywear #anotherview #staringcontest Скачать
Distorted #masculine takes #love out of making love justsex #shakeitup #iwantitthatway #setitoff Скачать
#143 #scarecrow #fear #monger #deceive #ouijaplanchette #somethingweird #ouijaboard #drhorrible Скачать
Sign of the cross/could it be 2allow is crossin 2 happen #crossfaith #supernaturalshift #livinghope Скачать
Medical body has a secert circle 2 close ur #health 2 ur #wealth - how U feel is how U attract Скачать
👋 #counterfeits in urhissy fits, We C U!! #whatyouneedtohearrightnow #consumersafety #fakebusiness Скачать
#312 when U get scared #8008/BOOB #000 #beginagain #newsong - It is time to let the old self die. Скачать
All the fake lying 🤥 ass sisters are going down, for all the lies they be spreading. Times Up! ⏰ Скачать
#2112 this person does not know how 2 talk 2God and that’s why she hates you. #jesuschristthesavior Скачать
312 this sister will use other family members to lie to your face - 123 they lied 🤥 about you! Скачать
#6226 #2662 vivid dreams - is a form of #clairvoyance #protection #3rdeyevisions #gifted U R!  Скачать
Tower 444 healing yes let’s go! To heal #anger #angermanagement #trigger to remain calm. #healer Скачать
Watery grave some1 was thrown over a bridge into the water to hid what they did #911 #storm #flood Скачать
Lord God floods areas that need to be cleared cleanse. There was something else happening there. Скачать
perception has always been a form of protection, to guide you out of chaos. The eye 👁️ of the storm Скачать
Thy Lord God knows your worth! And is letting the storm go by!! No more dark clouds no more consent! Скачать
Your time is up!! Molech you will watch the people no more, you are being watch n washed away. Скачать
Hey Feds - this message is for you #dodge #island #starisland #diddy #savethekids #salvation #love Скачать
Hell is a prison for the fallen angels that’s why they hated humans on how much Lord God forgives us Скачать
Attack was sent left to right right to left.2 cause you mayhem to leave what u have built w LORD GOD Скачать
#ancestors #bluewaters #integrity #oracle #222 #speaking #lifecoach #healer #lawofmanifestation Скачать
Oh L’amour spell bound..Bella fella/cross dresser will know not 2 mess with chosen ☝️ ever again Скачать
#666 #kaos #chaos #conflict #judgement threescompany #thywillbedone #444 #555 #abuseprevention Скачать
#shamans have #crazyeyes they are know to scare the shit out of you #rightpath #oya #blackpanther Скачать
#333 #444 #twinflameandkarmicrelationship the narcissistic will try 2 create a #first wU 2 get U 🪝 Скачать
Who wants Patrick Swayze love 💗 life -out there 4U!! #love #yourperson #lovelife @SkyGoddess333 Скачать
#222 someone looking for their 1 #2112 and they look 4U as well #yourperson #divineunionreadings  Скачать
Kempsville trash being pu… #tarotreading #oraclereading #mysticism #highpriestess #divinemother Скачать
Clarity has come in retrograde has ended - comms present moment of now we CU from the past  #love Скачать
✨✨✨ Triple Threat - Magic falling off of you. Mind body soul. #123 #369 #piecesofme #obsession Скачать
#shell #body #protectyourself from #witchcraft #voodoo #jinx #hex #curse #tarotreading #cubes Скачать
Old people couple - trying 2 move ur boundaries in2 ur spiritual inheritance to reap on ur rewards Скачать
Karma’s Law blocked these cords, got there lines crossed cant havest anymore #azrael 4 the win!! Скачать
#grimoire this book 📕of spells was left to you in the will, do not use it burn & bury bye bye 👋 Скачать
8/10 Anarchy monkey 🐒 fling💩 on ur name, cross-dressing DAME !! Shame shame, we know ur name! Скачать
#3752 your #table is ready - #3443 #4334 your reward fighting off moon Magick #warrior #realone Скачать
You must learn who is GOLD! And who is simply gold plated. This dish has been served -well deserved Скачать
#1234 #oracle #denial #deathloop #3times they celebrated ur death and now they’re in judgment  Скачать
8:7 #1233 #7676 #greenwitch going going gone! Wash 🧼 🆙 what a shame ur lame game…wanna be dame Скачать