Q. Describe composition and functions of bile. Write in brief about enterohepatic circulation. Скачать
Q. Describe gastric mucosal barrier. Write about types, causes and treatment of peptic ulcer. Скачать
Q. Describe composition and functions of gastric juice. Describe mechanism of secretion of HCl. Скачать
Q. Write in brief about alveolar ventilation, ventilation perfusion ratio and physiological shunt. Скачать
Q. Describe CF and classiffication of anemia. Discuss about pernicious and iron deficiency anemia. Скачать
Q. Describe actions, mechanism of action, functions and regulation of secretion of testosterone. Скачать
Q. Describe blood testis barrier. Discuss about stages and factors affecting spermatogenesis. Скачать
Q. Describe actions and regulation of secretion of catacholamines. Discuss about pheochromocytoma. Скачать
Q. Describe about action and regulation of secretion of Insulin. Discuss about glucose transporters. Скачать
Q. Describe synthesis, action, regulation of thyroid hormones. Discuss about thyroid function tests. Скачать
Q. Describe visual pathway. Discuss about effect of lesion at various levels of visual pathway. Скачать
Q. Discuss about composition, formation and functions of aqueous humour. Write about glaucoma. Скачать
Q. Describe nuclei, connections and functions of basal ganglia. Discuss in brief about parkinsonism. Скачать
Q. Describe divisions, connection and functions of cerebellum. Discuss signs of cerebellar disorder. Скачать
Q. Describe the role of different regions of nervous system in posture maintenance using a models. Скачать
Q. Describe mode of action of otoliths, semicircular canals and their role in regulation of posture. Скачать
Q. Describe extrapyramidal system. Enumerate difference between pyramidal and extrapyramidal system. Скачать