Aușel cu cap galben - Regulus regulus - Goldcrest #wildlife #birdsofmoldova #birdwatching Wildlife Moldova 425 подписчиков Скачать
Chira de mare - Thalasseus sandvicensis - Sandwich tern #wildlife #birdsofmoldova #wildlifebirding Скачать
Fugaci roşcat - Curlew Sandpiper - Calidris ferruginea #birdsofmoldova #BirdingMoldova #wildlife Скачать
Becaţină comună - Gallinago gallinago - Common snipe #birdsofmoldova #birdinginmoldova #wildlife Скачать
This Is How My Last Weekend Counting Stork Nests in Moldova Went #birdsofmoldova #SPPN #storknest Скачать
Presenting my beloved Butcher Bird from my backyard: Red-Backed Shrike - Sfrânciocul roșiatic #birds Скачать
Aușel sprâncenat - Common Firecrest- Regulus ignicapilla #wildlife #birdslover #wildlifephotography Скачать
Crested Lark: A Fearless Bird / Galerida cristata - Ciocârlan #birdsofmoldova #birds #wildlife Скачать
Winchat - Mărăcinar mare(Saxicola rubetra)perched on a stick in Sărata River Valley #birdsofmoldova Скачать
Discover the Kingfisher in the Heart of Moldova's Biosphere Reserve #birdsofmoldova #wildlife Скачать
Sfrâncioc roșiatic - Red-backed Shrike-Lanius collurio #birdsofmoldova #wildlife #naturephotography Скачать
Tranquil Forest Ambiance: 2 Minutes of Nature's Symphony with Oriental Tree Frog Beleu Lake, Moldova Скачать
Pietrar sur ♂ - Oenanthe oenanthe - Wheatear ♂ #birdsofmoldova #naturephotography #biospherereserve Скачать
Goldfinch - Sticlete - Carduelis carduelis #wildlife #birdsofmoldova #birds #naturephotography Скачать
Smallest woodpecker in Europe, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker-Ciocănitoare pestriță mică-Dryobates minor Скачать
Pănțărușul/Ochiu-boului - Troglodytes troglodytes -Wren #birdsofmoldova #winter #wildlife #birds Скачать
Sticleți - Carduelis carduelis - Goldfinch #birdsofmoldova #europeanwildlife #wildlifemoldova Скачать
Cinteză - Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs #birdsofmoldova #molrovanwildlife #migratorybirds #wildlife Скачать
Scatiu - Eurasian siskin - Spinus Spinus #birdsofmoldova #migratorybirds #moldovawildlife #bird Скачать
Pănțăruș/Ochiul-boului - Eurasian Wren - Troglodyte troglodytes #birdsofmoldova #wildlife #nature Скачать
Codroș de pădure -Phoenicurus phoenicurus -Redstart #birdsofmoldova #migratorybirds #wildlife #bird Скачать
Pițigoiul albastru descoperă fructele de sălcioară-Blue Tit Discovers the Fruit(Cyanistes caeruleus) Скачать
Arici - The Northern white-breasted hedgehog - Erinaceus romanicus #wildlife #nature #moldova Скачать
Silvie porumbacă - The barred warbler - Curruca nisoria #biodiversityconservation #birdsofeurope Скачать
Silvie de zăvoi - The garden warbler - Sylvia borin #bird #wildlife #biodiversityconservation Скачать
Silvie cu cap negru - Eurasian Blackap - Sylvia atricapilla #bird #ringing #wildlife #migration Скачать
Little Bittern - Primele încercări de vânătoare a unui juvenil de stârc pitic - Ixobrychus minutus Скачать
Racul de râu - The European crayfish - Astacus fluviatilis #nature #wildlife #moldova #naturelovers Скачать
Male Red-BackedShrike rejected by a female while he was trying to court her trough a mating display Скачать
Moustached warbler- Privighetoarea de baltă- Acrocephalus melanopogon #birdwatching #birdsofmoldova Скачать
Ringed and realised, the common chaffinch - Inelat și eliberat, cinteză de vară - Fringilla coelebs Скачать
The Mistle Trush - Struz de vâsc - Turdus viscivorus #birdsofmoldova #birdsofeurope #wildlife Скачать
A "cat" with feathers - Common buzzard - șorecar comun - Buteo buteo #birdsofmoldova #birdsofeurope Скачать
Woodpigeon - Porumbel Gulerat - Columba palumbus #birdsofmoldova #wildilfemoldova #birdwatching Скачать
The Syrian Woodpecker - Ciocănitoare de grădini -Dendrocopos syriacus #birdsofmoldova #birdwatching Скачать
Broken wings on Ukrainian Border - Little Ringed Plover - Prundăraș gulerat mic #birdsofmoldova Скачать
Eurasian Hobby caught at the border with Ukraine - Șoimul rândunelelor - Falco subbuteo #birds Скачать
The lazy morning of a youngster of Hawfinch- Botgros- Coccothraustes coccothraustes #birdsofmoldova Скачать
The Black-tailed godwit, the Black-winged stilt and the Ruff, all together feeding during heavy rain Скачать
Snack time for woodpeckers - The Syrian woodpecker - Ciocănitoare de grădini - Dendrocopos syriacus Скачать
6 Minutes of Relax. Nature Sounds and some wildlife along the rivers in the Carpathian Mountains. Скачать
The European Ground Squirrels- Popândăul comun-欧洲地松鼠-Ardillas de tierra europea- Avrupa yer sincabı Скачать
In an elaborate song Red-Backed Shrike performs on top of the tree. Sorry for outoff focus :) Скачать
A curious and fluffy juvenile of Little Owl ”posting” in front of the camera, and then...taking off. Скачать
Grey-headed woodpecker eating ants in grass - Picus canus - ghionoaie sură în căutare de furnici Скачать