Feel the sorrow and happiness with this stumbling man! 随着这个踉跄的身影,让我们一起走进《风雪夜归人》,感受一群人的悲欢离合!丨《风雪夜归人》 中国舞台 China Stage 16,2 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Feel the sorrow and happiness with this stumbling man! 随着这个踉跄的身影,让我们一起走进《风雪夜归人》,感受一群人的悲欢离合!丨《风雪夜归人》 Скачать
Nora told her request, but her husband refused without any hesitation! 娜拉终将请求说出,谁料丈夫竟直接拒绝?!丨《玩偶之家》 Скачать
Step into the fantasy kingdom of Effendi with fascinating music! 伴随着引人入胜的音乐,一起走进歌剧《阿凡提》的奇幻王国!丨《阿凡提》 Скачать
Nora is getting anxious as her secret are about to be exposed! 保守的秘密即将暴露,无忧无虑的娜拉也开始焦虑不安!丨《玩偶之家》 Скачать
Nora fawned over her husband to accede to the creditor's demands! 债主上门要挟,娜拉讨好丈夫想答应债主的要求!丨《玩偶之家》 Скачать
Let's enjoy the charm of the play "A Doll's House"! “铃儿响叮当”的旋律、尽情欢舞互动的夫妻,一起来感受话剧《玩偶之家》的魅力!丨《玩偶之家》 Скачать
Aska Yang sang all the sadness and happiness in love! 杨宗纬深情演绎《小半》,唱尽了感情里面的悲欢离合,画面感瞬间就有了!#shorts Скачать
Let's feel the spirit of "tragedy and nobility"! 结局时刻,程婴独白回忆往昔!一起来感受以坚守信义为旨归的“悲壮与崇高”精神!丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Ju Jingyi inspires people to march forward courageously! 鞠婧祎用甜美清澈的嗓音演唱《阳光总在风雨后》,激励大家无惧风雨,勇往直前! Скачать
The traitor was furious and ordered to search for the orphan! 危急时刻!奸臣发现赵氏孤儿被放走,下令全城搜捕!#shorts Скачать
THE 9's singing conveys a wonderful feeling! THE 9 五人小分队献唱《想见你想见你想见你》,歌声温柔动人,唱出不一样的美好感觉!#shorts Скачать
Jessi J's singing made everyone want to dance! 强大的嗓音机能,slay全场的舞台感染力,Jessi J 再现热单《Bang bang》,嗨爆全场! Скачать
The general chooses to let them go regardless of his danger! 忠义与生命该如何选择?将军不顾生命危险选择放走程婴与赵氏孤儿!#shorts Скачать
Joey Yung's performance brings out the emotions of the song! Live教科书!祖儿沉浸式唱演将歌中的情感演绎得淋漓尽致!#shorts Скачать
The brutal truth and the dusty past are finally revealed! 悲痛不已!残酷的真相和尘封往事终被揭开,赵氏孤儿决心为家族复仇!丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
The general was touched by Cheng Ying's great righteousness! 铁血柔情?守城将军面对程婴的请求面露不忍,欲冒险放过赵氏孤儿!#shorts Скачать
The shocking and dusty past pierces the orphan of Zhao's heart! 真相终于揭开💔!惊心动魄的尘封往事,撕裂了赵氏孤儿的心!丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Kim Jimun's cover will put you in the mood for a crush! 柔情男嗓金志文翻唱经典老歌《爱要怎么说出口》,一起感受暗恋的心情!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Li Yuchun's singing gives strength to all those who do not fear the future! 李宇春演绎《一趟》,给所有不畏将来的人以力量! Скачать
Z. TAO and the Produce Camp 2020 girls perform the theme song on stage! 敢!有万丈光芒!看黄子韬领衔创造营学员再现主题曲舞台! Скачать
Zhou Shen conveys the beauty of Chinese tradition through the song! 周深演绎歌曲《画绢》,传递中国之美!#shorts Скачать
Cheng Ying wants to tell the truth to the orphan of Zhao! 真相即将浮出水面?被冤的众人一同出现在舞台,程婴欲将真相告知赵氏孤儿!丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Experience the helplessness and sadness with Gong Linna! 太绝了!龚琳娜改编演绎华晨宇《齐天》,感受斗战胜佛眼神中的无奈悲凉!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Cheng Ying wanted to cover up the orphan of Zhao but was stopped! 秘密将被发现?程婴欲用草药遮盖赵氏孤儿却被拦下!#shorts Скачать
Cheng Ying finally met the orphan of Zhao but was opposed by a sword! 程婴与赵氏孤儿终相见,却被以剑相对?丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Youth memories of a generation sang on the same stage! 罗中旭,黄格选,孙浩同台嗨唱青春代表曲《老男孩》,太有共情能力了!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Hua Chenyu and Liu Tao surprise cooperation to sing classic songs! 华晨宇和刘涛惊喜合作,带来经典影视歌曲串烧,直接嗨翻现场气氛! Скачать
The stunning voices give you a heartfelt experience! 最心动版本《追光者》来袭!陈粒和杨宗纬的绝美嗓音加上精心设计的舞美,美好且深情! Скачать
The relaxing tune of the chorus makes you feel like in an alley! 鞠婧祎携手尤长靖演唱,轻松的曲调,如同置身春意盎然的江南小巷! Скачать
Cheng Ying prayed that he could bring the orphan of Zhao out of the city! 程婴祈求上天让他能将赵氏孤儿带出城!#shorts Скачать
Lay Zhang shows lyricism and beauty through his high notes! 深爱不该辜负!张艺兴唱跳《爱到这》,质感高音诠释抒情与美感!#shorts Скачать
Myolie Wu’s song brings back the "Triumph in the Skies" memories! 胡杏儿演唱《岁月如歌》,带回《冲上云霄》经典回忆!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Zhang Ruoyun tells the growth of these years through the song! 张若昀演唱《清白之年》,讲述这些年的成长,有种娓娓道来的故事感! Скачать
The friendship between them makes people miss those memorial days! 欧豪和华晨宇合唱,让人想起那个夏天的他们!#shorts Скачать
Yang Yuying and Chen Linong's cooperation shows a perfect stage! 甜度爆表!杨钰莹和陈立农配合默契演绎完美舞台!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Jason Zhang's singing makes ethnic and rock spark in the collision! 张杰热血演唱《骄傲的选择》,民族与摇滚在碰撞中迸发出火花! Скачать
Under the cruel warrant, what choice will Cheng Ying make? 在残酷的婴儿搜捕令下,程婴在自己孩子和赵氏孤儿中会做出怎样的选择呢?丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Zhou Bichang sings about the deep friendship between the youth! 周笔畅用热烈真挚的曲风描绘青春时代少年之间的深厚友谊!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Cheng Ying promised to protect the orphan of Zhao safety! 程婴许诺将会保护赵氏孤儿安全,走上了就此改变自己一生的道路......#shorts Скачать
Cheng Ying eventually brought the orphan of Zhao back home! 程婴将赵氏孤儿带回家中,面对屠贾岸残忍搜捕令,他该如何选择?丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Fang Xiaodong's voice recalls the memory of listening to the radio! 方晓东的温柔声线把你带回到收听电台的那些日子!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
The princess is in despair, and Cheng Ying is caught in a dilemma! 庄姬公主深感绝望,程婴陷入两难选择之中!#shorts Скачать
Hua Chenyu and Gary teamed up to perform an affectionate song! 华晨宇曹格高低音珠联璧合,完美演绎深情版《寂寞先生》!#shorts Скачать
Zhao Shuo chooses to let Cheng Ying and the orphan of Zhao go! 程婴与赵氏孤儿被赵朔发现,赵朔心有不忍选择放走他们!丨《赵氏孤儿》 Скачать
Zhu Yilong's gentle voice and Victor Ma's rap match perfectly! 梦幻联动!朱一龙温柔声线演唱《小半》,搭配马伯骞的说唱改编惊艳众人! Скачать
Cheng Ying wants to refuse the princess's request ... 面对庄姬郑重的托孤请求,作为普通人的程婴第一想法还是选择拒绝......#shorts Скачать
It's so captivating when rappers are singing a love song! Rapper也能唱情歌!弹壳和葛兆恩合作演唱,大秀钢琴和唱功!丨《说唱听我的》 Скачать
TNT's performance makes you feel the vigor of youth! 时代少年团演唱《Forever Young》,意气风发神采飞扬,真的感受到了青春的蓬勃朝气! Скачать
Hua Chenyu's steady high notes will amaze you! 华晨宇沉浸式演唱《I will always love you》,稳稳的高音让你惊艳不已!#shorts Скачать
Cai Xukun sang "Hard to Get", and the atmosphere directly hit your heart! 蔡徐坤演唱撩动人心,氛围感直接拉满!丨《巅峰之夜》 Скачать
Cheng Ying chooses to reject the princess's request... 庄姬托孤,医生程婴不愿打破平静的普通生活,选择拒绝......#shorts Скачать
Joey Yung's performance makes people understand love! 容祖儿动情演唱《给我一个理由忘记》,让人感受到爱情的悲伤和美好!丨《幻乐之城》 Скачать
Zhou Bichang sings with deep emotion, interpreting the beauty of time! 周笔畅深情献唱《岁月神偷》,诠释时光之美!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
JJ Lin's charming voice and the song's emotion are matching! 林俊杰和素人合唱,迷人声线搭配哀而不伤的情愫,听完感触满满!丨《我想和你唱》 Скачать
Myolie Wu's cover sings the mournful feeling of parting! 胡杏儿翻唱时代金曲《千千阙歌》,动人歌声唱出离别的哀伤感!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
As soon as the melody starts, memories barged into the mind! 催泪炮弹!那些年给影视剧注入灵魂的OST合集,旋律一响起就回忆满满! Скачать
The king listened to the calumny of officials and hunted down the loyalist! 晋王听信权臣谗言,追杀忠诚赵氏!#shorts Скачать
Rose Zhang and KC sing to present the retro disco style! 太绝了!张蔷&KC搭档《永远的迪斯科》,复古迪斯科风席卷全场丨《说唱听我的》 Скачать
A new style of singing and dancing that hits your heart! 绝美舞台!硬糖少女303全新风格唱跳《前方超A预警》,直接击中你的心💘! Скачать
Ou Hao and Hua Chenyu's chorus stage is too touching! 现在听都还是热泪盈眶!欧豪和华晨宇同台献唱《忘忧草》,引全场感人大合唱!#shorts Скачать
Li Jian takes you to explore the mystery of the ocean! 音乐诗人李健倾情演唱《深海之寻》,空灵的声线带你探寻海洋的神秘与美丽!丨《我想和你唱》 Скачать
The struggle of trying to save but failing to do so is heartbreaking! 面对生死离别,君山王想救却无能为力,让人心痛!丨《平潭映象》 Скачать
Gigi Leung's short hair style is so evocative! 梁咏琪再唱经典曲目《短发》,一如既往的清新短发造型搭配纯粹的歌声,回忆满满!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Experience the folk religious elements in "Pingtan Impression"! 和妈祖高亢入云的歌声一起感受《平潭映象》中的民间宗教元素!#shorts Скачать
Angela Hui's Cantonese cover makes people want to dance! 许靖韵粤语翻唱《跳舞街》,劲歌热舞搭配实力靓嗓,让人不自觉想一起舞动!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
It uses pure dance language to present the life of the island! 平潭映象用淳朴且清新的舞蹈,在舞台上呈现海岛的生活风貌!#shorts Скачать
Liang Jingru sings the sweetness of love with her dulcet sound! 忍不住就想跟着合唱!梁静茹甜美声线唱出恋爱的甜蜜!丨《我想和你唱》 Скачать
Hand-painted dress with this song is really intoxicating! 黄雅莉身穿梦幻夜光裙再唱《蝴蝶泉边》,熟悉旋律梦回“超级女声”!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Yang Zi and Zhou Bichang express friendship with the power of music! 杨紫周笔畅现场合唱,甜美声线与磁性声音碰撞,太好听! Скачать
"Pingtan Impression" lets you immerse yourself in the joy! 淳朴的民风,温馨的氛围,《平潭映象》让你感受其乐融融的海坛仙境!#shorts Скачать
Hua Chenyu's voice makes you in the mood! 华晨宇翻唱《I will always love you》,低沉的嗓音让你瞬间代入歌曲意境之中!#shorts Скачать
"Pingtan Impression" shows a unique marine ethnic style! 《平潭映象》中融入了丰富多样的海洋民俗文化,呈现出了独特的海洋民族风!丨《平潭映象》 Скачать
Wang Hedi and Wu Xize's heartfelt singing makes your heart flutter! 王鹤棣和吴希泽深情合唱,满满《流星花园》既视感!你心动了吗? Скачать
"Pingtan Impression" will present you with cultural inheritance! 渔民们戴斗笠披蓑衣,靠海而生!平潭映象展现文化的传承!#shorts Скачать
Producers' cypher is coming! Are you ready to cheer? 真的很绝!《说唱听我的》导师Cypher高燃来袭,轮番轰炸观众的耳朵!丨《说唱听我的》 Скачать
Come to feel the heat on the dance floor with Kenji Wu! 吴克群嗨唱热浪,带你重回青春时代,一起来享受舞池里的热浪!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
To feel the love and confession of Dimash in his song! 迪玛希深情演唱《难忘的一天》,一起来感受歌曲中绵绵的爱意与极尽炽烈的告白!#shorts Скачать
Let's know about the daily life of people living on the island! 日出而作,日落而息,拉网捕鱼淘海,一起来了解他们的生活!丨《平潭映象》 Скачать
Chen Li sings the story of her crush with her unique husky voice! 陈粒演唱《洋葱》,独特沙哑的嗓音讲述暗恋故事,令人忍不住鼻酸! Скачать
Kylin and the sea's daughter are playing, which is full of happiness! 麒麟和“海的女儿”嬉耍,画面温馨,幸福感满满!#shorts Скачать
Julian Cheung and his fan are singing in Cantonese! 一开口就是青春!“永远尽情歌唱”,张智霖和粉丝粤语对唱,太好听啦!丨《我想和你唱》 Скачать
"Pingtan Impression" exhibited a magnificent mythological conception! 舞蹈中穿插的众多民俗元素,你感受到了吗?#shorts Скачать
Hua Chenyu and Gary's singing are so vibrant that amazes the audience! 华晨宇曹格现场合唱,歌声直击人心,堪称惊艳!#shorts Скачать
They dance together, and the Kongming lanterns light up the island! 君山王与平潭蓝相拥起舞,漫天孔明灯点亮海岛!丨《平潭映象》 Скачать
Joey Yung sang a song to reminisce about the innocence of youth! 容祖儿演唱《小小》回忆曾经的懵懂年少,太好听啦!丨《嗨唱转起来》 Скачать
Li Jian's affectionate voice feels like whispering to you! 神仙翻唱!李健翻唱《一生中最爱》,深情的嗓音彷佛在耳边轻声诉说!丨《我想和你唱》 Скачать
The graceful dancing in "Pingtan Impression" never gets tired of watching! 风吹仙袂飘飘举,犹似霓裳羽衣舞!#shorts Скачать
The waves are coming and people all work together to resist the danger! 巨浪来袭,人们齐心协力抵抗危险,画面震撼!丨《平潭映象》 Скачать
Everybody cheer up! Lil Ghost and Swimming's lyrics show their attitude! 太酷了!小鬼连麻合作,歌词尽显态度!丨《说唱听我的》 Скачать
Lay Zhang's stage performances are for you to enjoy at once! 张艺兴舞台串烧,一次听个够!演唱与高精度舞蹈丝丝相扣,果然实力就是底气! Скачать
Let's learn about the Fujian culture in exquisite fashion! 让我们一起在精妙绝伦的服装设计中,了解独具特色的闽文化!#shorts Скачать
Get to know the original ecological island style of life scene! 在海边渔民“赶鸭子”的画面中,感受原生态海岛生活场景!丨《平潭映象》 Скачать
INTO1 sing a song, reminding us of the summer days! 梦回成团夜😢!INTO1 再唱成团曲,满满的回忆!你还记得当初你pick的选手吗? Скачать
Yang Yuying and Chen Linong sing the sweet feeling of first love! 高甜预警🥰!杨钰莹与陈立农合唱,唱出初恋的甜蜜感!#shorts Скачать
Feel the atmosphere of the wind blowing the wheat with Li Jian! 李健与各行业素人合唱,一起感受风吹麦浪的氛围感!丨《我想和你唱3》 Скачать
Are you touched by Dimash's consistent love? 迪玛希动情演绎《When you believe》,诠释始终如一的纯爱,谁又疯狂心动了?丨《幻乐之城》 Скачать
The prince and the sea's daughter presented a beautiful fairy love! 仙气十足!平潭蓝与君山王随乐起舞,展现神仙爱情!#shorts Скачать
Let's enjoy the dance that can realize the dialogue between man and God! 一起来感受能实现人神对话的舞蹈的魅力!#shorts Скачать
Victoria Song's every move drives the audience's emotional changes! 一举一动都是戏!宋茜唱演结合,带动观众的情感递进!#shorts Скачать
JJ Lin is singing with a foreigner, showing a perfect stage! 林俊杰和非洲小哥合唱,一字一句都充满了感情,谁听哭了?丨《我想和你唱3》 Скачать
Zhang Tianai brings you to understand the meaning of life! 触动满满!张天爱倾情演绎《怂侠》,带你感悟生命和时间的本义!#shorts Скачать
Feel the complexity of human nature in bizarre body language! 太绝了!在多面人怪诞诙谐的肢体语言中来感受复杂的人性!#shorts Скачать