Friday Favorites: Elderberry Benefits and Side Effects - Does It Help with Colds and the Flu? Скачать
Eating just a handful of berries every day may slow the aging of your brain by years. #berries Скачать
Please consider making a contribution to in honor of Dr. Greger's 52nd birthday! Скачать
Friday Favorites: What Causes Cancer to Metastasize and How to Potentially Help Control it with Diet Скачать
Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption to 7 servings/ day cut asthma exacerbation rates in half. Скачать
Next time you take a walk, go to a forest for added benefits of boosting your anticancer immunity. Скачать
The healthiest iron sources are whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and green leafy veg. Скачать
Когнитивная стимуляция, музыкальная терапия и криостимуляция для улучшения когнитивных функций Скачать
If you eat blueberries week after week, you get chronic benefits, such as reduced artery stiffness. Скачать
Vitamin B12 is not made by plants or animals, but by microbes that blanket the earth. #vitaminb12 Скачать
I recommend eating nuts at least 3 times/week to maximize your chance of a living longer life. Скачать
Увеличение Выработки АМФК Естественным Образом за счет Ограничения Калорий и для Продления Жизни Скачать
Могут ли мультивитамины Centrum, витамин Ц, бета-каротин, Souvenaid, добавки цинка или кальция предо Скачать
More than a hundred randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that our blood pressures fall... Скачать
Guess which worked better for garlic breath: whey protein, lemon juice, green tea, or mint leaves? Скачать
The average American doesn’t even get half the recommended minimum of antioxidants per day! #fruits Скачать
This is one of the best, Black Bean Burgers from the How Not to Die Cookbook. #dailydozenchallenge Скачать
“Do the Dozen” and complete the entire Daily Dozen Challenge all in one day. #dailydozenchallenge Скачать
Drink at least 60 ounces of healthy beverages a day. #dailydozenchallenge #hibiscustea #hibiscus Скачать
Just a single extra serving of fruits & vegetables per day is associated w lower bone fracture risk. Скачать
For week 10 of the Daily Dozen Challenge, your challenge is to move your body! #dailydozenchallenge Скачать
Your challenge is to add 1 tablespoon of ground flax and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric to your day! Скачать
Dark green leafy vegetables are packed with lutein, an important brain antioxidant. #dailydozen Скачать
Your challenge this week is to add at least two servings of greens to your day. #dailydozenchallenge Скачать
For week three of the Daily Dozen Challenge, add at least one serving of berries to your day. Скачать
The bottom line is that eating more healthfully may do more than just reduce wrinkling. #aging Скачать
Your challenge this week is to add three servings of whole grains to your day. #dailydozenchallenge Скачать
Alcohol consumption has been associated with excessive mortality from cancer for more than a century Скачать