Conducting Scientifically Informed Child Custody Evaluations when PA & DV Have Been Alleged PsychLaw 3,16 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
1. Defending Against False Allegations: A Historical Perspective by Dr. Lorandos & Patrick Clancy Скачать
3. Defending Against False Allegations: Child Suggestibility by Dr. Lorandos & Patrick Clancy Скачать
Reducing Parental Conflicts Between Divorced Spouses by Dr. Terence Campbell (Montreal, 2011) Скачать
Why Doesn’t Parental Alienation Occur More Frequently by Dr. Terence Campbell (Toronto, 2009) Скачать
Demosthenes Lorandos nails key piece of testimony from forensic interviewer during Craft trial. Скачать
Demosthenes Lorandos obtains convincing testimony from sexual abuse expert in the Tonya Craft Trial. Скачать
Demosthenes Lorandos discredits one of the prosecuting attorney's witnesses in the Craft trial. Скачать