Belgium WU17 - Bosnia & Herzegovina on 03.11.2024: an attempt from Belgium WU17 saved by the keeper! Скачать
Belgium WU17 - Bosnia & Herzegovina on 03.11.2024: a shot from the home team saved by the keeper! Скачать
Belgium WU23 - Scotland WU23 on 24.10.2024: an attempt from the visitors ends up on the crossbar! Скачать
FWS Woluwe Futures - RFC de Liège on 19.10.2024: a shot from the visitors is deviated in corner! Скачать
FWS Woluwe Futures - RFC de Liège on 19.10.2024: a beautiful header tipped over the crossbar! Скачать
KFC Poperinge Ladies - Ladies Oudenburg on 13.10.2024: an attempt on goal from the home team! Скачать
KFC Poperinge Ladies - Ladies Oudenburg on 13.10.2024: goalkeeper blocks attack from visitors! Скачать
KFC Poperinge Ladies - Ladies Oudenburg on 13.10.2024: what an opportunity for the home team! Скачать
KFC Poperinge Ladies - Ladies Oudenburg on 13.10.2024: both teams have a possibility to score! Скачать