Susanne Lakin - Biblical Anthropomorphism - Evidence of a Unipersonal God Unitarian Christian Alliance 3,92 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Andrew Perriman - Philippians 2 - "In the form of a god: the making of a religious anti-hero" Скачать
Jerry Wierwille - One God, One Lord - 1 Cor 8.6: Christianized Shema or Soteriological Acclamation Скачать
Trinity analogies: Billy Graham, William Lane Craig, James White, Tony Evans, J Warner Wallace Скачать
Kegan Chandler - are you able to agree with Heb 2:17? Or are you ordering up a different Jesus? Скачать
Dale Tuggy - Trinity never receives worship. Just the Father, and Jesus to the glory of the Father. Скачать
Dale Tuggy - "trinity on the books" but everyone avoids it. Why? Even the experts don't agree. Скачать
Dale Tuggy - Denying the trinity ISN'T cultish BUT it is so OBVIOUS cults can USE it for an easy win Скачать
Dale Tuggy - Matthew 9:8 proves Jesus is not God, but rather a man authorized by God to forgive sins Скачать
Dale Tuggy - 1 John 2:6 - unitarianism frees Christians, sets expectation "to walk as Jesus walked" Скачать
Anne Fischhaber - John 10:30 "I and my Father are one"... in what way? “you're listening to my dad” Скачать
Kevin George - "That's a SHORT list..." - Episode 14: An Astounding Disappointment In Experts Скачать
Kevin George - by studying "I became dangerous" - Episode 13: An Absolute Distrust of Unitarians Скачать
Dale Tuggy - 1 Tim 2:5 is explicitly teaching unitarianism #oneofus #biblicalunitarian #trinity Скачать
Patrick Navas - Why unitarian Christians do not need to break fellowship over preexistence of Jesus Скачать