🔴 Live #33 - Study a French song with me Je t'aimais, je t'aime, je t'aimerai by Francis Cabrel Скачать
Advanced #25 Legal French on non-retroactivity of criminal laws principle or rétroactivité in mitius Скачать
Intermediate #25 Prefixes in French with their latin roots and within whole sentences to practice Скачать
Beginner #25 French verbs about feeling or the difference between ressentir, sentir and se sentir Скачать
Advanced #24 French labor law introduction with phrases or introduction au Droit du travail français Скачать
Intermediate #23 French verb explained Venir de faire quelque chose To have just done something Скачать
Beginner #23 French vocabulary lesson around the rooms of the house or Les pièces de la maison Скачать
Beginner #22 French verbs To appear To look alike To seem To display To show Apparaître with phrases Скачать
Advanced #21 How to use French relative pronoun DONT in whole sentences to practice and repeat Скачать
Beginner #21 How to tell the date in French with days months years and seasons in whole phrases Скачать