GREAT NEWS.. time to celebrate.. the majority wants to move into the new golden age. Paul Smyres 1,66 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Finally some hope. let's catch this momentum, and build a great civilization, with peace and joy Скачать
GOT TOOLS ? GET SOME AND LEARN HOW TO USE THEM. Tools sustain civilization. know how stuff works Скачать
why I study astrology pt. 2 it is a very ancient system of observation with fascinating revelations Скачать
why I study astrology, PT 1 it was a huge part of the renaissance history is written in the stars Скачать
All the words attributed to Jesus can be read in less than an hour; what he taught was not recorded Скачать
Please save books ! digital storage is vulnerable. Internet can go down, suddenly, sooner or later Скачать
Amazing books sacred science, sacred geometry, Learn from these books and expand your awareness Скачать
linking our awareness with universal consciousness ( "god" ) is the opportunity of human life Скачать
Telepathy, intuition,insight..linking our awareness to the ONE source, finding our answers within. Скачать
the HUGE elephant in the room. global natural catastrophe, stuff happens, many times on earth Скачать
Why is there so much misery in the world ? It's completely unnecessary. Inner joy is possible Скачать
the S is hitting the fan, and we need to respond effectively without concepts and imagination Скачать
Inspiring stories I have heard... parables. 4. short and sometimes funny......from personal journey Скачать
Patanjali......Don't react to what you perceive. to know what is Real, be neutral in perception Скачать
10 reasons solar power is not a good long term solution for a homestead, but great for supplement Скачать
10 good reasons to NOT live in a big city, and move to rural area ASAP. safer, cheaper, healthier Скачать
we ALL must become independent thinkers, using our own brains and perceptions, to see what's real Скачать
Urgent warning.. deliberate planned collapse in progress. it's not random and not going to stop Скачать
climate reality. Electric cars are not clean, electricity can pollute also, it's just invisible Скачать
Esoteric and mystical aspects of birth, gestation, abortion, incarnation, souls, families, groups Скачать
metaphysical aspects of world transition. our existence is more fantastic than we can understand Скачать
More situation update. fast waters ahead. be prepared. our ancestors survived much worse things Скачать
There are things going on that would make people's hair stand on end if they knew. getting worse Скачать
prayer.. it's basis, how and why it works, the simplest heartfelt prayer is for joy and peace Скачать
Ancient science, Knowledge of the Self, a bridge from daily awareness to the root of consciousness Скачать
TIPPING POINT !. feels like water s going over the dam. new frequencies incoming, potential scenario Скачать
Welcome to my channel, lots of interesting content and playlists Mysteries of life and awareness Скачать
esoteric psychology 5 We are one composite BEING, with many dimensions. integration is our goal Скачать
Science of the soul pt.1 of 2 practical direct experience, a link to the root of all consciousness Скачать
Esoteric psychology - we should not judge any other being. they are a reflection of our divine Self Скачать
Esoteric science sound and vibration, Sound is a cosmic force, useful tool for transformation Скачать
esoteric science Space is an Entity, consciousness is embedded, Oneness is the cosmic reality Скачать
Esoteric science and physics. our ancestors left us a vast amount of amazing knowledge we can use Скачать
we are in fast waters and we should pay attention .many important things are not told to us on TV Скачать
Esoteric psychology.. we are not these bodies knowing that is liberating and brings much joy. Скачать
Do not underestimate this time in history! stay conscious. in big storms the big trees go first Скачать
Reality is not what we think when our beliefs and what is fact don't match, it's a wake up call Скачать
Quadrivium. Esoteric teachings. 1. QUADRIVIUM set of 4 primary subjects all should know about Скачать
Upanishads and Patanjali profound wisdom from the distant past Esoteric teachings in modern world Скачать
"out of body" experiences,. very common and life transforming. we are not a body, we inhabit one Скачать
Jesus, Messiah, the Satguru, and the concept of recurring avatars is a very ancient phenomena Скачать
Jesus, Maitreya avatars, gurus, mahatmas, world teachers, servants of humanity, have always existed Скачать
varieties of consciousness human potential Esoteric psychology self Knowledge human potential Скачать
Avatars what are they? ancient system of expanding consciousness and teaching, we are part of it. Скачать
"gods' deities, animals, angels, devas. what / who are they ? ancient cultures explain hierarchy Скачать
esoteric teachings from past Oneness the cosmic reality. our awareness has roots in the infinite Скачать
Theosophists Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, esoteric teachings. Ageless wisdom from the sages Скачать
Lets talk about " climate change"... and common sense. there's never been a time without change Скачать
Big media has a long record of propaganda, disinformation, and nonsense. We are responsible to know Скачать
civilization crisis...natural disasters .. we live on a volatile planet, our ancestors warned us Скачать
Forget 'The Big One'..catastrophe...many small ones is just as bad.. It's happening..! dominoes Скачать
Other beings? ... part 3, consciousness, information, is the heart of the cosmos, we're not alone Скачать
Do other types of sentient, intelligent beings exist we don't perceive? all ancient cultures say Yes Скачать
Human "Bodies" - astral, mental, soul vehicle of awareness. we are a composite of energy fields Скачать