Introduction to NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PODAAC) - COESSIN 2022 Скачать
COESSING2020: Monitoring Ocean Acidification (recorded live) by B. Hales, S. Chu, A.Valauri Orton Скачать
COESSING 2020: LIVE Recording "Carbonate chemistry discussion" Dickson, Sabine, Valauri-Orton Скачать
COESSING 2020: Understanding How Fossil Fuels Contribute to Ocean Acidification (Dr. Chris Sabine) Скачать
COESSING 2020: Renewable and Fossil Fuels - Lecture 5 "Wind Solar Energy" by Prof. Adam Simon Скачать
COESSING 2020: Renewable and Fossil Fuels - Lecture 4 "Nuclear and Hydroelectric" (Prof. Adam Simon) Скачать
COESSING 2020: Renewable and Fossil Fuels - Lecture 3 "Oil and Natural Gas" by Prof. Adam Simon Скачать
COESSING 2020: Renewable and Fossil Fuels - Lecture 1 "Industrial Revolution" by Prof. Adam Simon Скачать