Calculus 2 | Solutions to Exam: Infinite Series, Vector equations of planes & lines, curvature. Скачать
Probability Theory | Evaluate the Expected Value & the Variance of a Discrete Random Variable Скачать
Calculus 2| Derivatives of vector functions.Vector equation of a tangent line to a vector function. Скачать
Calculus 2 | Intro to Vector functions. Functions vs Vector functions. Vector function of a Helix. Скачать
Vector equation of a plane using the normal vector. Angle between the planes using normal vectors. Скачать
Single Variable Calculus 2021 | Calculus with Parametric Curves.Tangents, Arc length, Surface area. Скачать
Probability & Statistics | Confidence Intervals for Population Variance. Chi-squared distribution. Скачать
Probability & Statistics 2021 | Measures of Position: z-score, percentiles, quartiles, box-plot. Скачать
Probability & Statistics 2021| Properties of Frequency Tables.Construct a Frequency Table from Data. Скачать
Single Variable Calculus | Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. What is derivative of integral function? Скачать
Probability & Statistics 2021 | Derive the density function of a function of a random variable. Скачать
Single Variable Calculus| Newton's Iteration.Find roots of functions numerically, find 6th root of 2 Скачать
Single Variable Calculus 2021 | l'Hospital's Rule and Indetermined Limits. Find limit of (1+1/x)^x. Скачать
Probability & Statistics 2021 | Normal Approximation of Binomial Distribution. DeMoivre - Laplace. Скачать
Probability & Statistics | Lec7.1 - Normal Distribution. Evaluate probabilities using the z-tables. Скачать
Probability & Statistics 2021| Lec6.2- Exponential vs Poisson distributions, Uniform Distribution Скачать
Probability & Statistics | Spring 21 | Lec5.2 - Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions. Скачать
Calculus 1 | Spring 2021 | Lec4.2 - Part 2 - Derivatives of power functions using its definition Скачать
Calculus 1 | Spring 2021 | Lec4.2 - Part 1 - Horizontal asymptotes. Definition of derivatives. Скачать
Prove an infinite limit using its precise definition. Prove the limit of 1/x is inf as x goes to 0. Скачать
Probability & Statistics | Spring 2021 | Cumulative Distribution vs Mass Functions.Expected Value. Скачать
Probability & Statistics | Spring 2021 | Lecture 3.2 - Intro to Random Variables. Mass Function. Скачать
Probability & Statistics|Spring 2021 | Lec3.1 - Bayes' Theorem. Law of Total Probability.3 problems. Скачать
Functions and their Applications. Maximize area, radioactive carbon dating, reproduction of cells. Скачать
Create Formulas in Google Sheets. Calculate subtotal, income tax in a Payroll.Fix cells in formulas. Скачать
Probability & Statistics | Spring 2021 | Lec2.1 - Review, problems & solutions on Combinatorics. Скачать
Theoretical Test on Positive Definite Matrices. Energy-based definition of Positive Definite Matrix. Скачать
Positive Definite Matrices. Its testing using the determinants of all top left corner matrices. Скачать
Pivots vs Eigenvalues. How to know the signs of eigenvalues without finding their actual values? Скачать
Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices. What is a symmetric matrix? What is an orthogonal matrix? Скачать
Diagonalization. Explanations with the complete example. Powers of a matrix preserve eigenvector. Скачать
An equation of the tangent line to the curve y = e^x/(1+x^2) at the point (1,e/2).Sketch the graphs Скачать
Find an equation of the tangent line to they = 2xe^x at (0,0). Sketch the curve and the tangent line Скачать
A first look at eigenvalues. What are the eigenvalues of projection matrix and permutation matrix? Скачать
A farmer has 240 m of fencing and wants to fence off a rectangular field. What is the largest area? Скачать
Least Squares (Regression Line) Problem from Calculus Perspective by minimizing Cost Functional. Скачать
Orthogonal Subspaces. Examples of non-orthogonal subspaces. Orthogonal and Orthonormal vectors. Скачать
Evaluate the dimension of a subspace (null space, column space, row space and the left null space) Скачать
Perpendicular(orthogonal) and Parallel Vectors.Zero vector is parallel and orthogonal to any vector. Скачать
Matrices in Special Forms: Diagonal, Upper-triangular and Permutation Matrices. Their Inverses. Скачать