Zucman: A blueprint for a coordinated minimum tax on the ultra-high-net-worth individuals. English Скачать
The US tax system is broken. Here are Stiglitz´ 10 proposals to make Wall Street pay its fair share. Скачать
En ICRICT sostenemos que el impuesto a las corporaciones debe ser de 25% -no 15%. Sin excepciones. Скачать
"The majority of countries have clearly expressed the desire to deepen int’l tax cooperation" Скачать
"It’s no longer acceptable that the super-rich pay less taxes than a school teacher in Delhi" Скачать
Our co-chair Jayati Ghosh emphasizes the role of Latin America in supporting the African initiative. Скачать
This is the historic moment today when the world decided that a new global tax system is needed. Скачать
To finance gender-responsive systems that empower all women, nations must support the Tax Convention Скачать
Débat ICRICT: réformer la fiscalité pour préserver la démocratie avec J. Stiglitz, G. Zucman J.Ghosh Скачать
M. Sepúlveda: para la igualdad de género, los más ricos deben pagar la parte que les corresponde Скачать
ICRICT Magdalena Sepúlveda: to strengthen women, make the wealthiest pay their fair share of taxes Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Irene Ovonji-Odida calls for EU and UK to stop blocking a UN tax convention Скачать
IMF Director of the Western Hemisphere Ilan Goldfajn approves tax reforms in Chile and Colombia Скачать
ICRICT co-chair Joseph Stiglitz: Chile and Colombia tax reforms are going in the right direction Скачать
"Winds of change: the future of tax reforms in Latin America", with Icrict co-chair Joseph Stiglitz Скачать
Joseph Stiglitz de ICRICT aplaude reforma tributaria ve bien que sector minero energético pague más Скачать
Faut-il taxer les superprofits (TV5)? Joseph Stiglitz, Eva. Joly et Léonce Ndikumana de l'ICRICT Скачать
ICRICT's Joseph Stiglitz to AFP: Companies making windfall profits didnt do anything to deserve it Скачать
J. Stiglitz copresidente de la ICRIC: los superbeneficios son ilegítimos y deben ser gravados Скачать
Jayati Ghosh coprésidente de l'ICRICT : les pays en développement doivent être créatifs fiscalement Скачать
ICRICT Co-Chair J. Stigtliz: the international tax system negotiations must be REALLY inclusive Скачать
Jayati Ghosh coprésidente de l'ICRICT: les secteurs de l'énergie pas seuls à faire des superprofits Скачать
J. Stiglitz coprésident de l'ICRICT : les superprofits ne sont pas légitimes et doivent être taxés Скачать
ICRICT Léonce Ndikumana: when you're not at the table to negociate fiscal matters you're on the menu Скачать
Léonce Ndikumana de l'ICRICT : les superprofits ne sont pas l'apanage des entreprises de l'énergie Скачать
Eva Joly de l'ICRICT explique la taxe sur les superprofits sur les groupes d'énergie européens. Скачать
ICRICT Jayati Ghosh: OECD/G20 deal has good principles, but not good enough for developing countries Скачать
@icrict CONFERENCE: Inflation, pandemic, climate change: the urgent need for progressive taxation Скачать
At Davos, OECD's MathiasCormann is asked whether the world should consider a global asset registry Скачать
Piketty de l'ICRICT: la réforme de la taxation des multinationales ne rapporte pas aux pays du Sud Скачать
Rueda de prensa de ICRICT sobre el Registro Global de Activos, con J.A. Ocampo, G.Zucman y J.Ghosh Скачать
G. Zucman, J. Ghosh et J.A. Ocampo présentent au nom de l' ICRICT le registre mondial des actifs Скачать
Press conference: ICRICT calls the G20 to deploy a fast plan to implement a Global Asset Registry Скачать
Alicia Bárcena: Para nuestra región, un impuesto de 15% sobre las multinacionales no es suficiente Скачать
ICRICT/G24 Event: “A global tax deal: a victory for whom?” With Stiglitz, Guzman, Ocampo and Ghosh. Скачать
Martín Guzmán sur le taux d'impôt minimum mondial : "Pas moins de 21 %, 25 % serait encore mieux". Скачать
Martín Guzmán sobre el tipo impositivo mínimo global: "No menos del 21%, y el 25% será aún mejor" Скачать
Martín Guzmán about the global minimum tax rate: "Not less than 21%, and 25% will be even better" Скачать
T. Piketty de l'ICRICT : la France peut unilatéralement avoir un impôt sur les multinationales Скачать
T. Piketty de l'ICRICT: un impôt minimal de 25% c'est 10% du budget de la santé en plus en France Скачать
Piketty de l'ICRICT : la France doit adopter un impôt minimum sur les filiales des multinationales. Скачать
Bert Brys, OCDE : les impôts ne sont pas le facteur le plus important pour attirer l'investissement Скачать
Larabi Jaidi: la fiscalité sera-t-elle au rendez-vous pour plus d'équité et de transparence ? Скачать
Léonce Ndikumana de l'ICRICT : la crise ne doit pas empêcher la réforme fiscale, au contraire. Скачать
Léonce Ndikumana de l'ICRICT: les investissements étrangers oui, mais pas à n'importe quel prix. Скачать
Larbi Jaidi: "un impôt sur le patrimoine aurait un impact important en termes de cohésion sociale" Скачать
"Il faut un contrat fiscal clair avec les entreprises étrangères": Léonce Ndikumana de l'ICRICT Скачать
ICRICT's Joseph Stiglitz vs Olaf Scholz on minimum global taxation and formulary apportionment Скачать
José Antonio Ocampo presidente de ICRICT defiende un impuesto sobre las transacciones digitales Скачать
José Antonio Ocampo, presidente de ICRICT, explica la importancia de un registro mundial de activos Скачать
Who will pay for post COVID-19 recovery? ICRICT report launch (ICRICT/Oxfam press conference) Скачать
¿Quién pagará por la recuperación post COVID-19? informe del ICRICT (rueda de prensa ICRICT/Oxfam) Скачать
ICRICT's Léonce Ndikumana: to fight the impact of Covid-19, states should focus on taxing wealth Скачать
Léonce Ndikumana d' ICRICT : cette crise peut permettre aux Etats de trouver de nouvelles ressources Скачать
ICRICT's Léonce Ndikumana: Transparency, exchange of information & clamping down on tax evasion Скачать
Ricardo Martner, miembro del ICRICT: la globalización ha generado una pandemia de súper-ricos Скачать
Magdalena Sepúlveda, ICRICT: Impuestos para infraestructura que alivie la carga de las mujeres Скачать
ICRICT's Eva Joly: countries victims of tax optimisation must discipline their own multinationals Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Wayne Swan's: it's time for a new social contract, which means progressive taxes Скачать
ICRICT's Joseph Stiglitz: The solution to stop tax avoidance is there, but we need political will Скачать
ICRICT's Joseph Stiglitz: unless we do something, it will be deeper than the Great Depression Скачать
ICRICT's Joseph Stiglitz: even with huge tax cuts, corporations were not ready for this crisis Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Joseph Stiglitz: it's not about double taxation but to tax multinationals once Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Joseph Stiglitz: on tax reform, a sales formula would make rich countries richer Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Jayati Ghosh: our tax system would look crazy to somebody landing from Mars Скачать
ICRICT's Jayati Ghosh on tax reform: the public needs to know the details of the negociations Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Wayne Swan: we need public support to get a fair international tax reform Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Joseph Stiglitz: the digital economy has exposed why the tax system is obsolete Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Joseph Stiglitz: a formulaic approach to tax multinationals exists, in the USA. Скачать
ICRICT Commissioner Jayati Ghosh: SDGs won't be met without a global tax reform (short version) Скачать
ICRICT Commissioner Jayati Ghosh: we need a global tax reform to fight against climate crisis Скачать
Thomas Piketty de l'ICRICT : les pays pauvres peuvent ne pas profiter de la réforme de l'OCDE Скачать
Pour Thomas Piketty, de l'ICRICT, la proposition de réforme fiscale de l'OCDE est insuffisante Скачать
ICRICT Head of Secretariat TOMMASO Faccio on why splitting residual and routine profits is wrong Скачать
ICRICT response to the OECD Consultation on the Proposal for a “Unified Approach” under Pillar One Скачать
ICRICT Head of Secretariat Tommaso Faccio on why focusing on consumer facing businesses is wrong Скачать
ICRICT Chair José Antonio Ocampo: international tax reform should apply to all multinationals Скачать
ICRICT Chair José Antonio Ocampo on why the UN is the place to discuss international tax reform Скачать
Icrict commissioner Jayati Ghosh warns about the risks of unilateral measures to tax multinationals Скачать
ICRICT commissioner Joseph Stiglitz: "the OECD process may not be good for developing countries" Скачать
Thomas Piketty : L''impôt sur les sociétés doit s'articuler avec un système d'impôt progressif Скачать