re-re-edit of sister handy-ish unboxing and first few rounds...Savage Arms .22lr semi-auto rifle. Скачать
Sister Handy-ish replacing the battery and transfer case switch on her "new" 2006 Trailblazer. Скачать
Intex Pool Maintain/improve: Intake vacuum cleaner thingy, sand replaced, and masonry-ish landing 🤣 Скачать
Unboxing/trying out the Beachy Under Desk Treadmill. WARNING: Bad jokes and storytelling included. Скачать
Vacation rental cooking: what to do with pork, sweet potato, onion, bacon, pasta, mayo...? new meal! Скачать
Towable Backhoe hose management experiment! Velcro ties and adhesive tie mounts. Giving it a try. Скачать
2000 Mustang rear differential flush/fill fail and fix. Re-edit and post after bonehead mistake! Скачать
36" Depth Trench For a Neighbor with Nortrac Towable Backhoe/trencher in heavy clay. 10" bucket. Скачать
Fuel filter replacement: 2000 V6 Mustang...frustration and success. Real life, NOT scripted tutorial Скачать
Comedy ensues as Handy-ish siblings' attempt cold-weather, old GMC truck recovery with old GMC truck Скачать
Permanent Installation of Honeywell Portable Air Conditioner/Heat Pump: show and tell 5 years later Скачать