Struggling against the inevitable - Cassius + Loewe nightmare arena (hard) Wheelotime 351 подписчик Скачать
The sisters give the final CC a proper send off - CC12 Perma Map Week 2 Risk 18 Sisterknights Скачать
Lungmen Dragons competition entry: 5-10 Sisterknights AFK no medics, Faust only attacks ranged ops Скачать
I used Arts in this stage so you don't have to - Arknights CC#8 Day 3: Abandoned Mine Risk 14 Скачать
"They can't call drones if they can't see" - Arknights CC#8 Day 1&2: Sandsea Remnants Risk 15 (Max) Скачать
MYRTLE HAS 2 SKILLS? - Arknights CC#7 Day 12: Arena 8 Risk 15 (Max Risk, No Leaks, No Balans) Скачать