"When the Warrior Returns" - Patriotic American Song Ballads of History 5,81 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
"Heyr himna smiður" - "Hear, heavenly smith" - Medieval Icelandic Hymn - Íslenskur Miðaldasálmur Скачать
"Изгрѣй, зора на свободата" - "Rise, dawn of freedom" - March of the Macedonian Revolutionaries Скачать
"Ant etkenmen" - "I've pledged" - National Anthem of the Crimean Tatars - Qırımtatar milliy gimni Скачать
"Trelawny" - "The Song of the Western Men" - Cornish Folk Song (Unofficial Anthem of Cornwall) Скачать
Откога се е, мила моя майно льо - Since when has, my dear mother, dawn raised - Bulgarian Folk Song Скачать
"Ваяцкі марш" - "March of the Warriors" - Anthem of the Belarusian People's Republic - Гімн Б.Н.Р. Скачать
"Naprej zastava slave" "Forward, flag of glory" Former Anthem of Slovenia - Nekdanja Slovenska Himna Скачать
"Пагоня" - "Pahonia – Pursuit" - Нацыянальны гімн Рэспублікі Беларусь - National Hymn of Belarus Скачать
"Rufst du mein Vaterland" - "Are you calling my Fatherland" - Former National Anthem of Switzerland Скачать