GREEFA Automatic TrayPackr | Staff shortages solved with automated packing at Olympic Fruit (US). Скачать
GREEFA - FruitMasters - CombiSort 6 lane sorting and packing line for pears in the Netherlands Скачать
GREEFA - El Limonar de Santomera - SmartSort 6 lane grading line for citrus in Spain (short film) Скачать
GREEFA - Marín García - MultiSort 1 lane for peaches, donut peaches and other round fruits in Spain Скачать
GREEFA - Frutinter - SmartSort 8 + 10 lane grading machines for tangerines and oranges in Spain Скачать
GREEFA - Columbia Reach Pack - GeoSort 10 lane sorting and packing line for apples in the USA Скачать