20190804 天水圍 十幾個警察扯甩少女條褲 (轉) hong kong protest, A dozen of police catch a little girl violently Скачать
20190728 警方強光粗口阻礙記者拍攝(轉) hong kong protest, police use high power torch obstruct reporter to record Скачать
20190728 白車分紅海 (轉) hong kong protest, protester step aside for ambulance like Moses dividing the sea Скачать
20190728 無預警直接開槍(轉) hong kong protest, police shoot without warning against the Police General Order Скачать
20200308 警察叫停同僚壓低市民未獲理會(轉) hong kong protest, police disregard commander's order, press down citizen Скачать
20200728 差佬推跌外國女人(轉載) hong kong protest, police push down a woman & drive her away roughly. Injured Скачать
20190728 向無武裝示威者狂噴(轉載) hong kong protest, police shoot tear gas to defenseless protester frantically Скачать
20200308 便衣警武力制服市民,青年站安全島同被制服 (轉載) hong kong protest, police subdue defenseless citizen and passerby Скачать
20190728 CBC防暴推走許智峯(轉載) hong kong protest, riot police roughly drive out Ted Hui & disregard injured Скачать
20190727 黑警掃射(轉載) hong kong protest, police shoot peaceful protester, use laser to attack journalist Скачать
20190727 黑警強光射人(轉載) hong kong protest, police use high energy laser flashlight to attack passerby Скачать
阿婆單挑黑警怨屌(轉載) hong kong protest, old woman blame police who attack defenseless children and citizen Скачать
阿叔被打原片(轉載) hong kong protest, riot police attack defenseless citizen and beat him until bleeding Скачать
20190727 速龍入元朗站打爆缸 (載載) hong kong protest, POPO raptors attack citizens at yuen long MTR Station Скачать
20190727 警禁社工說話,否則沒收麥克風(轉載) hong kong protest, POPO prohibit journalist speak, and confiscate mic Скачать
20190727 警打女社工然後推港台攝記(轉載) hong kong protest, POPO attack female social worker, and RTHK journalist Скачать
20190727 警告記者唔好成為暴徙既盾(轉載) hong kong protest, police threaten reporter not to be shield of protester Скачать
20190727 無線影到中年伯被打爆缸(轉載) hong kong protest, oldman was hit by police brutally and covered in blood Скачать
20190727 RTHK警入元朗站打人 (轉載) hong kong protest, terrorist attack by HK Police in Yuen Long MTR station Скачать
20190721 黑警用橡膠子彈射頭(轉載) hong kong protest, police head shoot defenseless citizen and protester Скачать
20190721 突然向人群射出催淚彈,及急速推進(轉載) hong kong protest, police shoot tear gas to defenseless protester Скачать
20190721 無警告下多次開槍 (轉載) hong kong protest, police shoot defenseless protester without notification Скачать
20190721 black bloc警員不斷推進防線,沒有委任證及證明文件(轉載) police no uniform, no warrant card, nothing can recognize Скачать
20190721 差佬天橋射示威者 (轉載) hong kong protest, police shoot the defenseless protester on footbridge Скачать
20190721 催激彈在記者及社工中間爆開 (轉載) hong kong protest, tear gas explode between journalist and social worker Скачать
20190714 防暴警商場窄道推進 一家大小嚇破膽 (轉載) hong kong protest, hk police drive out family with child in mall Скачать
20190714 黑警用雨斜封門(轉載) hong kong protest, hk police block exit door with umbrella to besiege protester Скачать
20190714 沙田街坊叫警察走新城市(轉載) hong kong protest, Shatin residents drive out police in shopping mall Скачать
20190714 差佬自爆要圍示威者,唔畀佢地走(轉載) hong kong protest, hk police surround protesters and arrest by violence Скачать
2019-6-21反送中示威遊行,150催淚彈後的周日,十位父母為孩子走上街頭(轉載)Hong kong protest, parents fight for freedom for children Скачать
20190612 cancer伯伯比人拖走 (轉載) hong kong protest, hk police forcibly drive out an defenseless old man Скачать
20190612 記你老母 (轉載) hk police use foul language to drive out journalist. suppress freedom of press Скачать
20190721 元朗事件 (轉載) hong kong protest, hk police in cahoots with triads, terrorist attack at station Скачать
20190721 示威者就拉哂,黑社會就放哂 (轉載) hong kong protest, hk police in cahoots with triads, terrorist attack Скачать
20190721 八鄉指揮軍李漢民警黑合作 (轉載) hk police in cahoots with the triads, terrorist attack at Yuen Long Скачать
20190721 八鄉指揮官多謝鄉黑 (轉載) hong kong protest, hk police commander in cahoots with triads, say THANK YOU Скачать
20190713 上水港人舉手投降照噴椒 (轉載) passerby was forcibly pushed to a planter and attacked by pepper spray Скачать
20190721 元朗黑警合集附字幕 (轉載) hong kong protest, hk police in cahoots with the triads, terrorist attack Скачать
20190721 黑社會殺到門口 (轉載) hong kong protest, police in cahoots with triads, terrorist attack at station Скачать
20190713 退緊都照打 (轉載) hong kong protest, POPO attack defenseless and retreating student and citizen Скачать