日軍乘勝追擊,攀崖追殺八路,哪料獵人中途竄出刺殺日軍 | the hunter rushed out to assassinate the Japanese army in the middle. Скачать
特種兵在樹上休息哪料來了一隊日兵 |The special forces were resting on the tree, but a group of Japanese soldiers came Скачать
He raised sniper rifle and instantly annihilated the Japanese army brigade 小子單槍匹馬殺入日軍營,抬起狙擊槍瞬間殲滅日軍大隊 Скачать
The hunters were invincible with their arrows, killing the Japanese in fear. 日軍追殺八路不料獵人箭法無敵,殺得日軍膽戰心驚 Скачать
The special team was unexpectedly attacked by the green monster. 特戰隊在上山執行任務,哪料被綠怪人偷襲,對方神出鬼沒,隊員一個個被抓 Скачать
Bandits threatened to slaughter the village, but the villagers' traps were intertwined 土匪揚言屠殺村寨 Скачать
The Japanese martial arts master once again challenged the Chinese kung fu boy 日本武道大師再度挑戰中國功夫小子. Скачать
Sharpshooter is resourceful! Using dead bodies to lure Japanese snipers 神枪小子足智多谋!竟利用死尸引诱日軍狙擊手 Скачать
The girl was trapped in the house, who knew that the girl was a peerless master 農村姑娘被困屋中誰知姑娘竟是絕世高手 Скачать
The Japanese army accidentally entered the eight-way ambush circle. - 日軍意外走入八路伏擊圈,神槍小妹神助攻,一槍一個 Скачать