Difference between Pesticides & Biopesticides| Concepts of Botany #pesticides #biopesticides Concepts of Botany 6,14 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Bioremediation| In-situ & Ex-situ Bioremediation| Importance| Hindi/ Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Pesticides| Pest, Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Rodenticides, Nematicides #conceptsofbotany Скачать
Pesticides| Pests| Types: Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Rodenticides| Uses| Effects| Control Скачать
Soil Pollution| Causes/ Sources, Effects, Control/ Prevention| Soil Pollutants| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Organic and Inorganic Pollutants| Urdu/Hindi Concepts of Botany #inorganicpollutants #pollutants Скачать
Thermal Pollution| Causes & Sources of Thermal Pollution| #conceptsofbotany #thermal pollution Скачать
Bioremediation, Biodegradation| Solved Questions| #Bioremediation #Biodegradation #conceptsofbotany Скачать
Air Pollution| Sources, Causes, Effects| Primary and Secoundary Pollutants|Hindi/Urdu #airpollution Скачать
Cell Suspension Culture |Batch & Continuous Culture| Protocol, Importance| Plant Tissue Culture Скачать
Fertilizers| Types of Fertilizers| Inorganic/ Organic fertilizers #fertilizer #fertilizerforplants Скачать
Somatic Hybridization in Plant Tissue Culture #conceptsofbotany #planttissueculture #hybridization Скачать
Somatic Hybridization in Plant Tissue Culture| Process, Advantages| Hindi/ Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Botany Basic Terms Asked in Job Interviews & Exams| Classification of Plants |Cryptogam ,Phanerogam Скачать
Micropropagation in Plant Tissue Culture| #conceptsofbotany #micropropagation #clonalpropagation Скачать
Micropropagation in Plant Tissue Culture| Stages of Micropropagation| Clonal Propagation| Hindi Скачать
Transformation in Bacteria| Griffth Experiment |Natural & Artificial Competence| Microbiology| Hindi Скачать
Internal symptoms of virus infection in plants| #plantvirus #biology #viraldisease#conceptsofbotany Скачать
External Symptoms of Virus Infection in Plants| #virusinfection #microbiology #conceptsofbotany Скачать
Pure Culture Media| Streak plate, Pour plate, Spread plante & Serial dilution method| #microbiology Скачать
Pure Culture Media| Streak Plate, Spread Plate, Pour Plate, Serial Dilution Method| Microbiology Скачать
Transmission of Plant Virus| Plant to Plant Transmission & Within Plant Transmission| Hindi/Urdu| Скачать
Symptoms of Virus Infection in Plants| External & Internal Symptoms| Hindi/ Urdu| Microbiology Скачать
Tertiary Treatment of Wastewater| Chemical Treatment| Wastewater Treatment Processes| Hindi/Urdu| Скачать
Impact of Climate Change on Marine Life| How does Climate Change affect Ocean Life| Urdu/Hindi Скачать
Microbes as Biocontrol Agents| Biocontrol Agents| Example of Microbial Biocontrol| Hindi/ Urdu| Скачать
Difference between Dry Heat and Moist Heat Sterilization| Physical method of Sterilization| Hindi Скачать
Growth in Bacteria| Bacteria Growth Curve| Factors affecting bacterial growth| Microbiology| Hindi Скачать
Fungal Diseases in Plants| Rust, Powdery Mildew, Fusarium Wilt, Smut |Plant Disease caused by fungi Скачать
Hot Spots of Land Use Change and Climate System| Land Use & Land Cover(LULC)| Land Cover Detection Скачать
Bacterial Diseases in Plants| Disease Caused by Bacteria| Crown Gall| Bacterial Wilt | Leaf Spot Скачать
Viral Disease with Causative Agents| Measles, Mumps, Hepatitis, Dengue fever|Viral Diseases of Human Скачать
History of Microbiology| Father of Microbiology| Era of Microbiology| Hindi/Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Coral Bleaching| How Coral Become Bleached| Coral Bleaching Process| Coral Bleaching Climate Change Скачать
Coral Reef and Coral Bleaching| How Coral Reef are Formed, Types, Functions, Threats| Hindi/ Urdu Скачать
Convention on Biological Diversity| Aims and Objective| Cartagena and Nagoya Protocol| Hindi/ Urdu Скачать
Phytoplankton| Importance of phytoplankton| Factors affecting Phytoplankton| Climate change| Hindi Скачать
Carbon Sequestration| Carbon Sink| Methods of Carbon Sequestration| Climate Change| Hindi/Urdu Скачать
Lead Pollution| Souces, Effects & Control of Lead Pollution| Toxicity of Lead Pollution| Hindi/Urdu Скачать
El-Nino, La-Nina & ENSO| How El-Nino affects Pakistan Monsoon| Southern Osillation| Urdu/Hindi Скачать
Primary Treatment of Wastewater| Sedimentation, Grit chamber, Screening| Hindi| #conceptsofbotany Скачать
Primary Treatment of Wastewater (Screening, Grit Chamber, Sedimentation)|Urdu/Hindi|#waterpollution Скачать
Eutrophication| Types of Eutrophication| Process, Effects, Control| Hindi/Urdu| Concepts of botany Скачать
Natural and Cultural Eutrophication| Types of Eutrophication| Hindi/Urdu| Concepts of Botany#shorts Скачать
Surface and Groundwater pollution| Types of water pollution| Hindi/Urdu| #conceptsofbotany #shorts Скачать
Water Pollution| Sources, Causes, Effects, Prevention and Control| Hindi/Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Cellular Totipotency in Plant Tissue Culture| Steward experiment| Urdu/Hindi| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Radiation pollution| Sources and causes of radiation pollution| Hindi/Urdu| #conceptsofbotany Скачать
Bacterial conjugation| Hfr cell, f prime| Genetic recombination in bacteria| Urdu/Hindi| Botany Скачать
Fertilizer and Water use efficiency| Inorganic/Organic fertilizer|Plant nutrition|Concepts of botany Скачать
Role of genetic modification in bioremediation| Genetic modification| Urdu/Hindi| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Activation in Bioremediation| Mechanism of Bioremediation| The Role of Activation in Bioremediation Скачать
Fertilizer and Water Use Efficiency| Water Use Efficiency in Crops| Urdu/ Hindi| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Environmental Monitoring| Monitoring of Environmental toxins| Air, Water, Soil| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Monitoring of Environmental Toxins| Air, Water, Soil, Noise Monitoring|Hindi/Urdu|Concepts of Botany Скачать
Ozone Layer| Ozone Layer Depletion| Causes, Effects, Solution| Hindi/ Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Fungal Diseases| Ringworms, Candidiasis, Yeast infection, Jock itch, Fungal eye infection|Hindi/Urdu Скачать
Health and Safety| Biosafety Levels1,2,3,4| Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) | Hindi/Urdu Скачать
Hospital waste| Disposal of hospital waste| Types of biomedical waste| Hindi/Urdu|Concepts of Botany Скачать
Sorption| Adsorption, Absorption, Desorption| Role and Effect of sorption in bioremediation| Urdu Скачать
Genetically modified organism|GM crops, animals, bacteria|Uses, advantages, disadvantages|Hindi/Urdu Скачать
Greenhouse Effect and Global warming | Mechanism, Diagram, Effects, Causes| Hindi/Urdu|Air Pollution Скачать
Plant Nutrients| Micro and Macronutrients| Function,Deficiency,Toxicity|Urdu/Hindi|Concept of Botany Скачать
Disposal of Radioactive waste material| Nuclear waste disposal| Radiation pollution| Urdu/Hindi Скачать
General structure of bacteria and its Function| Microbiology |Fir lecture visit channel| Bs Botany Скачать
Disease caused by bacteria |Typoid fever, Cholera| For lecture visit channel| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Mechanism of Root nodule Formation|Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation|Nitrogen Fixation|Concepts of Botany Скачать
Introduction of Virus| Structure of Virus| Structure of Bactetiophage| Hindi/Urdu| Microbiology Скачать
Structure of Bacteria and their Functions| Gram staining technique| Bacterial motility| Hindi/Urdu Скачать
Root Nodule Formation| Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation| Rhizobium| Hindi/ Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Root Stem Transition| Steps of Root Stem Transition| For lecture visit the playlist Plant Anatomy Скачать
Root Stem Transition| Types of root stem transition| Hindi/Urdu| Plant Anatomy| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Callus culture| Compact and Friable callus|Stages and Steps|For lecture visit the channel| Botany Скачать
Meristem Culture| Production of virus-free plant| Hindi/Urdu|Plant tissue culture|Concepts of Botany Скачать
Callus Culture| Types, Stages, Protocol, Maintenance| Plant Tissue Culture| Hindi/ Urdu| Botany Скачать
Culture media|Classification, types, function|For lecture visit channel•Microbiology/Tissue culture Скачать
Culture Media| Types, Function, Classification| Microbiology/Plant tissue culture| Hindi/Urdu Скачать
Sterilization Method| Physical and Chemical Method| Aseptic technique| Hindi/Urdu|Concepts of Botany Скачать
Anther and Pollen culture in Plant Tissue Culture| Application, Techniques| Hindi/ Urdu| Botany Скачать
Potonie's Turmal System| Categories of Turmal System| For lecture visit channel|Palynology|Bs botany Скачать
Organogenesis in Plant Tissue Culture| Direct/Indirect organogenesis| Hindi/Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Plant Tissue Culture| Procedure, Properties, Requirements| For lecture visit channel| Bs botany Скачать
Ultrastructure of Exine| Stratification of Exine| Palynology| For lecture visit channel| Bs Botany Скачать
Potonie's Turmal System| Categories of turmal system| Palynology| Hindi/Urdu| Concepts of Botany Скачать
Acid rain| Causes, Prevention and Effects| Types| For explanation visit channel| Concepts of Botany Скачать