Countdown to tomorrow: Drumming Carnival and 5G Live Concert! 鼓樂嘉年華及5G 直播音樂會。。明日正式開鑼 Chinachem Group 華懋集團 1,92 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2024 Full Recording - PM Session 華懋集團可持續發展論壇2024 下午時段重溫 Скачать
Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2024 Full Recording - AM Session 華懋集團可持續發展論壇2024 早上時段重溫 Скачать
Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2024: made possible by your support! 感謝支持華懋集團可持續發展論壇2024 Скачать
Support World Mental Health Day and let’s embrace an inclusive society together 關注世界精神衞生日 共建「共融社會」 Скачать
Starting from Central and Western District, connecting the world through drumming 中西區起步。。以鼓樂連結世界 Скачать
Thank you to everyone joining us on the journey towards a sustainable future 感激沿路有你 共創繁榮可持續未來 Скачать
Drumming transcends boundaries, unleashing the transformative power of inclusivity 鼓樂無界限。。綻放共融力量 Скачать
Leading the way in urban development by pioneering the use of Modular Integrated Construction Скачать
Discovering fresh insights on improving mental health through engaging dialogues 對談共話。。關懷精神健康 Скачать
Partnering with Hong Kong Olympians to advocate for mental wellness for all 夥拍香港奧運選手。。促進大眾精神健康 Скачать
Explore the intricate connection between time and space with Nina Park Light Show如心園「聲光匯演」發掘時間和空間之聯繫 Скачать
CCG Hearts Quests: Volunteer to cook with the elderly for a joyful CNY celebration 如心賞好心行動。。耆樂融融賀新春 Скачать
Surpassing limits, striving ahead - Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon ignites the passion Скачать
Member exclusive: Christmas pastel nagomi art workshop this festive season 佳節限定好心行動。。聖誕和諧粉彩工作坊 Скачать
Ms Kimberly Lewis INKUMSAH - Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2023 Speaker Highlights Скачать
Ir Dr Conrad WONG, BBS, JP - Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2023 Speaker Highlights Скачать
Mr Michael FONG Hok-shing, JP - Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2023 Speaker Highlights Скачать
Ms Carly LEUNG & Ms Jasmine SIU - Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2023 Speaker Highlights Скачать
Ar. Donald CHOI - Chinachem Group Sustainability Conference 2023 Speaker Highlights (Welcome Speech) Скачать
Embark on an exciting journey as a guardian for our furry friends through CCG Hearts' Quests! Скачать
Invite you to delve into the discussions and insights from the Sustainability Conference 2023! Скачать
One Beat, One World: Connecting Through the Drum" - Stay tuned for more! 「鼓動心弦 連結世界」。。更多線上線下活動接踵而來 Скачать
CCG Hearts unlocks the gateway to wetland exploration and conservation education 「如心賞」自然學堂。。探索濕地啟迪保育 Скачать
Sustaining our commitment alongside like-minded partners as we journey towards a sustainable future Скачать
Relive the highlights of the grand drum festival, embrace the joy of thousands gathering together Скачать
CCG Hearts invites you on a journey to explore the rich tapestry of Hong Kong’s cultural heritage Скачать
CCG Hearts exclusive member experience: Lai Chi Wo cultural heritage tour 如心賞會員限定體驗。。荔枝窩文化遺產深度遊 Скачать
Join the #DrumChallenge and inject society with vibrant energy 立即參與 #DrumChallenge 。。為社會注入正能量 Скачать
Accelerating the positive energy, #DrumChallenge is awaiting you! 延續正能量。。#DrumChallenge 等你來接棒 Скачать