Yugioh The Agents Deck Combos Masterflare Hyperion, Kristya, Halqifibrax Robbie Cheaux 65 подписчиков Скачать
Yugioh Agents, Master Hyperion Combo Deck Testing Post Lost Sanctuary R & Battle Of Chaos + Decklist Скачать
Yugioh Agent 2 Card Combo 4 Negates + Crazy Board (post Battle of Chaos, SD R Lost Sanctuary) OTK Скачать
4-8 Negates per Turn with Yugioh Agents + Herald of Perfection 2.5 Card Combo pst Batte of Chaos FTK Скачать
Yugioh Agents + Herald of Perfection 2,5 Card Combo (post Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary) FTK OTK Скачать