Introduction to machine learning and neural networks, with an application to earth system modeling Скачать
Stopping for bad inputs to an Rcpp interface function, before calling a C++ computation function Скачать
Download and read CSV into R as data.table, then convert to matrix/vector for machine learning Скачать
nc::capture_first_df for creating new columns in a data frame, regular expressions with nc R package Скачать
nc::capture_melt_single for wide-to-tall reshaping data into a single output column with regex Скачать
Reshaping who data using nc::capture_melt_single and regular expressions with type conversion Скачать
nc::capture_all_str for parsing text into a data table, regular expressions with nc R package Скачать
Basic matching and type conversion with nc::capture_first_vec, regular expressions with nc R package Скачать
nc::capture_first_vec with non-capturing optional groups, regular expressions with nc R package Скачать
nc::capture_melt_multiple for wide-to-tall reshaping data into multiple output columns with regex Скачать
Configuring tab completion in Emacs Speaks Statistics, interactively setting indentation style Скачать
Setting default indentation style in Emacs Speaks Statistics, configuring eldoc minibuffer R help Скачать
Starting R and getting R help inside of emacs, basic key command for movement and code execution Скачать