Expt. No. 3 To determine compressive strength of Steel and Aluminium Bar# Prof.S.W.Dhengare#YCCE Скачать
Expt. No.08 To determine the flexural strength of Timber Material # Prof. Sagar W. Dhengare #YCCE Скачать
Expt.no.7- To determine the Hardness number of metals by Rockwell Hardness tester #Prof.S.W.Dhengare Скачать
Expt. No.6 To determine the Modulus of rigidity of Mild steel bar (Torsion Test)#Prof.Sagar Dhengare Скачать
Experiment no.4- To determine Stiffness and Modulus of rigidity of Spring#Sagar W.Dhengare#CE,YCCE Скачать
Experiment no.2- To determine the Compressive Strength of Brick # Prof. Sagar W. Dhengare # CE, YCCE Скачать
Experiment No. 1- Study of Universal Testing Machine # Strength of Materials Laboratory# CE#YCCE Скачать
Chhid chhidi Rat by Durvas Karkade and Megha Dhengare New Groom and Bride on dated 26/11/2018 Скачать