The bull is half the herd #hoofcare #hoofcarematters #bull #charolais #simmental #herdhealth Hoofcare Supplies 6,06 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Time lapse feeding time at the barrier #dairy #barn #feeding #dairyherd #dairyshed #dairyfarmers Скачать
Promoting our fast setting glue “bovine ultimate plus” #hoofcare #hoof #farming #bovine #hoofhealth Скачать
Pushing silage up for the farmer and the cows #dairyfarming #dairyherd #ukdairy #dairyfarmers Скачать
This toe necrosis is getting better #hoof #hoofcare #farming #hoofcarematters #lameness #herdhealth Скачать
We return to this abscess after two weeks ,,,,,and are amazed at the results #hoof #absces #farming Скачать
Using our products to treat a wall fracture #hoofcare #dairycows #farming #dairyherd #dairycow #cow Скачать
A days foot trimming on a dairy farm condensed into a reel #dairycows #hoofcare #farming #dairyherd Скачать
Another dairy farm sells up #dairycows #hoofcare #farming #dairyherd #dairycow #cow #dairyanimal to Скачать
Treating udder sores in a turn over crate is sooooooooo easy #dairycows #hoofcare #farming #dairy Скачать
Treating a cow with toe necrosis and making better #hoofcare #dairycows #dairyfarming #farming 🐄🐮 Скачать