Sorry I haven’t posted a lot I might pause the channel for now bc dexter isn’t doing to good rn Скачать
Dexters so good at tunnel🤭he usually will go fast in them but I didn’t want him to in this so ya😝 Скачать
Help why is my camera so dirty 😭 || should I start asking the question again I kinda stopped 😭 Скачать
Dexters bite is actually pretty good like I was kinda lifting him of the ground and he didn’t let go Скачать
Sometimes I rlly do wish we got a normal Aussie. I’ve seen lots of people say how minis are bad.. Скачать
Cattle dogs 😭 ⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️dexter has never bitten a chicken and in fact he’s very calm with them! Скачать