Easter chant: Victimae paschali laudes (Lyric video) Adoration of the Cross 266 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Gregorian chant: Antiphon - Franciscus, Vir Catholicus / Francis, the wholly catholic (Lyric video) Скачать
Gregorian chant - Carolingian Acclamations : Te saeculorum Principem / Thou, Prince of all ages Скачать
An Arabic Koinonikon for Lazarus Saturday: Rejoice, O Bethany - افرحي يا بيت عنيا (Lyric video) Скачать
Orthodox Byzantine chant: Достојно јест - It Is Trully Meet To Call Thee Blessed (Lyric video) Скачать
Orthodox Byzantine chant: Ви који се у Христа крстите/ All of who were baptized (Lyric Video) Скачать
Byzantine chant: Psalm 117: Исповедајте се Господу - O give thanks unto the Lord (Lyric video) Скачать
Orthodox chant: Тебе одеющагося светом - Thou Who Coverest Thy self with Light. (Lyric video) Скачать
Psalm 50 In Aramaic: Have mercy on me, O God - ܪܲܚܸܡܥܠܲܝ ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ ܐܲܝܟ݂ ܛܲܝܒ̇ܘܼܬ̣ܵܟ݂ (Lyric video) Скачать
Gregorian chant: Genesis 28:17 - Terribilis est locus iste / This is a place of Awe (Lyric video) Скачать
Medieval song from the time of crusaders: Ja nuns hons pris - Richard the Lionheart (Lyric video) Скачать
Responsory: Amicus meus osculi - The sign by which my friend betrayed me was a kiss (Lyric video) Скачать
The Paschal troparion: Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν/ Христо́с воскре́се из ме́ртвых (Lyric video) Скачать
Arabic Orthodox Chant: إفتح لي أبواب التوبة / Open to me the gates of repentance (Lyric Video) Скачать
Old Slavic Orthodox Chant: Ps140. Да исправится mолитва моя/ Let my prayer arise (Lyric Video) Скачать
Hildegard von Bingen: Cum Vox Sanguinis, hymn for Saint Ursula & her Companions (Lyric chant) Скачать