"Husbands and wives loving each other through the love of Jesus Christ" Ephesians 5:24-25 Followers Of Light Ministry 2 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
"Always be ready to share your testimony and the truth of Jesus Christ and his love" 1 Peter 3:15 Скачать
"Jesus Christ was made an offering for our sins, we are justified only through him" Isaiah 53:10-11 Скачать
"The Word of God; JESUS CHRIST, came in the form of a man so that we can be forgiven" Hebrews 2:7 Скачать
"Serving the LORD, may he direct you in love toward each other and everyone" 1 Thessalonians 3:11-12 Скачать
"The harvest is great, and the LORD is calling you forth to labour in righteousness" Matthew 9:37-38 Скачать
"With the blessings the LORD has poured out upon you, bless others in kind" Leviticus 19:9-10 Скачать
"Through the richness and glory of Jesus Christ, the LORD will fill all our needs" Philippians 4:19 Скачать
"Serve GOD and Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness" Pastor Jason Charlton Скачать
"As children of God, We must be content with the life the LORD has blessed us with" 1 Timothy 6:6-8 Скачать
"We have overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God" Revelation 12:10-11 Скачать
"Dont seek the things you think you need, instead seek the LORD and he will provide" Luke 12:29-30 Скачать
"The LORD will take vengeance upon those who have done evil against his people" Jeremiah 51:36 Скачать
"Could you through your love of GOD give your last bit of food to a stranger" Pastor Jason Charlton Скачать
"David reigned over Israel, then Solomon succeeded him through the will of GOD" 1 Kings 2:11-12 Скачать
"We must love each other in deed and in truth, because this is the will of GOD" 1 John 3:17-18 Скачать
"Worship the LORD, not Mary, not saints, not angels, not created things, only GOD" Pastor Charlton Скачать
"If you are overcome by the world you will die, but instead give your life to Jesus" 2 Peter 2:19 Скачать
"Behold the LORD God will come and feed his flock because he is the good shepherd" Isaiah 40:10-11 Скачать
"It is good that we hope and wait expectantly for the return of Jesus Christ" Lamentations 3:26 Скачать
"Jesus says; Behold the synagogue of satan will worship at the feet of my people" Revelation 3:8-9 Скачать
"God the Father of whom are all things created, and we are in him through Jesus" 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 Скачать
"Blessed are they who are called to the wedding celebration of the Lamb of God" Revelation 19:9 Скачать
"Woe to believers whose desire is of their flesh, and regard not the workS of GOD" Isaiah 5:11-13 Скачать
"In the ALMIGHTY GOD is no inconsistency nor corruption, and he is the source of light" James 1:17 Скачать
"God looks upon those who are of a poor and contrite spirit, that tremble at his word" Isaiah 66:1-2 Скачать
"For by GOD were all things created in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible" Colossians 1:16 Скачать
"As the Father has sent the Son to save the world; Jesus has sent us to share the truth " John 20:21 Скачать
"Judas Iscariot still betrayed Jesus, after seeing and hearing the truth for years" Mark 14:17-18 Скачать
"We can take only spirit upon the death of our flesh, the Spirit of GOD or of man" Ecclesiastes 5:15 Скачать
"Our deaths are precious in the eyes of GOD, as those who will live with him in glory" Psalm 116:15 Скачать
"He is the living GOD, and steadfast forever, and his kingdom shall not be destroyed" Daniel 6:26 Скачать
"You must be converted and become as little children to enter into the kingdom of GOD" Matthew 18:3 Скачать
"Rejoice in suffering for God, knowing that Jesus Christ also suffered for you" 1 Peter 4:12-13 Скачать
"There is a natural body in the world, and a spiritual body in Jesus Christ" 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 Скачать
"To him that overcomes will be given of the hidden manna through Jesus Christ" Revelation 2:17 Скачать