Learning 3D Human Pose Estimation from Dozens of Datasets by Bridging Skeleton Formats (WACV'23) Скачать
HODOR: High-Level Object Descriptors for Object Resegmentation in Video From Static Images (CVPR'22) Скачать
ECCV'22 Demo: Accurate and Efficient Absolute 3D Human Pose Estimation Trained on Dozens of Datasets Скачать
DR-SPAAM: A Spatial-Attention and Auto-regressive Model for Person Detection in 2D Range Data Скачать
Continuous Adaptation for Interactive Object Segmentation by Learning from Corrections - ECCV2020 Скачать
Dilated Point Convolutions: On the Receptive Field Size of Point Convolutions on 3D Point Clouds Скачать
Joint Object Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction in Urban Street Scenes Using 3D Shape Priors Скачать