How Long Does it Take a Particle of Light To Go Around the Whole World? #bigdogsolar #physics #light Скачать
Kilo-what? This is how we measure how much sun hits an area #solarpanels #solarenergy #bigdogsolar Скачать
Have you even looked at your power bill? Here's how it's measured. #solarpanels, #solarenergy, Скачать
Breaking solar panels with snow (My attempt) #solarpanels, #solarenergy, #bigdogsolar #renewables Скачать
Solar Panels on Day ONE? #solarenergy #solarpanels #solar #bigdogsolar #renewableenergy #solartech Скачать
Will you have the same solar setup as your neighbor? #solarlife #solartech #solarenergy #solarpanels Скачать
Another Idaho Power Rate Hike for January May be in the Works #solar, #adultingishard, #electricbill Скачать