Pollinators of rare plants database and its applications for research, management, and outreach. Скачать
Investigating the identities of populations of Sidalcea (Malvaceae) in the North Coast Ranges Скачать
Fuels treatment effectiveness? Gaining perspective from the Carr Fire in an era of megafires. Скачать
Status of the Phytophthora ramorum Epidemic across Forests of the East Bay Regional Park District Скачать
Using vegetation classification and mapping to demystify and protect the Pygmy Forest Ecosystem. Скачать
Phytophthora species in the field: life cycle, distribution, dispersal, impacts in California Скачать
Soil seed banks of native and exotic forbs in restored and reference northern coastal prairies. Скачать
Age, diversity, and origin of the California mints, with special emphasis on the genus Salvia Скачать
Optimal Fire Frequency for the Restoration of the Rare Native annual Amsinckia grandiflora_19.04 Скачать