Statistical Machine Learning,Week 14: Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM & Backpropagation through time) Dr. Data Science 7,31 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning,Week 14: Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM & Backpropagation through time) Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 12: Hyperparameter Optimization, KerasTuner, Hyperband Example Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 11: Implementing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) using Keras Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning,Week 10: Neural Networks in Action, Functional API, Activation Function Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 8: Mathematical Building Blocks of Neural Networks w/ XOR Example Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 7, Part a: Evaluating Classification Models (Decision Boundary) Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 7, Part b: Evaluating Classification Models (ROC/PR curves) Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 6, Part b: Loss Function Derivation for Classification Problems Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 4: Loss Function Derivation for Regression Problems (NLL loss) Скачать
Statistical Machine Learning, Week 3: Tensor, Gradient, and Automatic Differentiation (GradientTape) Скачать
Full Python Programming Course for Data Science & Machine Learning w/ Jupyter Notebooks & Exercises Скачать
Programming for Data Science,Lec 14: Classification in Machine Learning using scikit-learn (sklearn) Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 13: Regression in Machine Learning using scikit-learn (sklearn) Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 12: Machine Learning in Python using scikit-learn (sklearn) Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 11: Pandas DataFrame (data import, access, filtering, plotting) Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 10: Data Visualization and Plotting in Python Using Matplotlib Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 9: Modules and Packages in Python (math, time, numpy, sklearn) Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 8: Object-Oriented Programming, Inheritance and super() function Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 7: Object-Oriented Programming, Class and Constructor in Python Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 6: Iteration (for/while loops, list comprehension, break/continue) Скачать
Programming for Data Science: Lec 5, Branching Statements in Python ('if', 'elif', and 'else') Скачать
Programming for Data Science: Lec 4, Built-in/Custom Functions in Python, and Lambda Functions Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 3: NumPy ndarray, np.arange, np.random, np.linalg, np.concatenate Скачать
Programming for Data Science, Lec 2: Python Data Structures, List, Tuple, Set, and Dictionary Скачать
Understand & Implement Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) in Python (normalized_mutual_info_score) Скачать
Three Easy Steps to Understand Conformal Prediction (CP), Conformity Score, Python Implementation Скачать
A Gentle Introduction To Math Behind Neural Networks and Deep Learning (nested composite function) Скачать
Why the area under the ROC curve for a random classifier is 0.5? (Mathematical Proof/Python Example) Скачать
Easy Steps to Understand Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for Deriving Mean Squared Error Loss Скачать
Dive into Deep Learning Lec7: Regularization in PyTorch from Scratch (Custom Loss Function Autograd) Скачать
Dive into Deep Learning – Lec 6: Basics of Object-Oriented Programming in PyTorch (torch.nn.Module) Скачать
Logistic (Sigmoid) function in Statistical and Machine Learning (torch.nn.Sigmoid, tf.math.sigmoid) Скачать
Machine Learning/Data Science Exam/Interview Preparation With Practice Tests, Examples, and Solution Скачать
Dive Into Deep Learning - Lecture 5: Parameter Access, Initialization, and storage in PyTorch Скачать
Easiest Way to Understand Gradient Descent Step by Step (downhill to a minimum with derivatives) Скачать
Dive into Deep Learning - Lecture 4: Logistic/Softmax regression and Cross Entropy Loss with PyTorch Скачать
Dive Into Deep Learning, Lecture 2: PyTorch Automatic Differentiation (torch.autograd and backward) Скачать
Dive into Deep Learning - Lecture 1: PyTorch Tensor Basics, Operations, Functions, and Broadcasting Скачать
How to Evaluate the Performance of Clustering Algorithms in Python? (Evaluation of Clustering) Скачать
Three Clustering Algorithms You Should Know: k-means clustering, Spectral Clustering, and DBSCAN Скачать
Easiest Way to Understanding Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) with Python: numpy.linalg.svd Скачать
Step-by-Step Python Implementation with Dr. Data Science, Cost-sensitive Learning and Google Colab Скачать
Machine Learning with Imbalanced Data -Part 4 (Undersampling, Clustering-Based Prototype Generation) Скачать
Simple Steps to Understand Linear Regression in Scikit-learn (sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression) Скачать