Opportunities of Dating an Older Woman: Lucy and the Beginnings of Humankind 3.18 Million Years Ago nysmuseum 9,89 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Opportunities of Dating an Older Woman: Lucy and the Beginnings of Humankind 3.18 Million Years Ago Скачать
The Archaeology & Genealogy of 2 Rensselaerswyck Tenant Farmhouse Sites in Albany & Rensselaer Скачать
Passing Down the Land: Archaeology, Genealogy, & Rural African American Families - Capital Region Скачать
Unfriendly to Liberty: Loyalist Networks and the Coming of the American Revolution in New York Скачать
The American Origin Myth: Remembering the American Revolution with Historian Michael D. Hattem Скачать
Renovation and Reinterpretation of New York State Museum’s Iconic Birds of New York Exhibit Hall Скачать
Video Presentation: The Jessup Family: A Free African American Household in Early NY, 1790–1830 Скачать
Doane Stuart School: Investigating the Strength of Different Types of Tape: A Real Lab Experiment Скачать
Onkwehowekah: Haudenosaunee Worldview and its influence on the American Women’s Suffrage Movement Скачать
Women of Science: Non-Destructive Archaeological Surveys, Susan Winchell-Sweeney & Kristin O’Connell Скачать
Virtual Summer Program: Baking for Suffrage: How “Good Cooking and Sure Voting Went Hand in Hand” Скачать
From the Collections: Camp Iroquois and objects from the Adirondacks - the Sheffield Collection Скачать