NEET Examination 2025|Neet examination new pattern update details|Online or offline examination| V J ALERT 54,3 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
NEET Examination 2025|Neet examination new pattern update details|Online or offline examination| Скачать
Neet counselling 2025|Tamilnadu New seat Matrix|Details|முதலிடத்தைப் இழந்த தமிழ்நாடு?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Examination 2025|How to apply for NEET 2025?|When you apply for neet exam 2025?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Counselling Refund Details|How to apply for NEET counselling refund?|How to pay the penalty?| Скачать
12th commerce half yearly examination important questions 2024|Tamil Medium important|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET Aspirants 2025|Easy way to crack Neet examination 2025|Easy tips and tricks for Neet 2025| Скачать
NEET 2025|New Exam Rules and Regulations|Who will suffer a lot?|Repeaters or Fresher's|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Aspirants2025|Cutoff Prediction for neet2025|Community wise Cutoff prediction for MBBS|Vjalerts Скачать
12th Economics Half yearly examination tamil and english Medium important questions 2024|Vjalerts| Скачать
MBBS admission 2024|Last chance to join this year for MBBS|கடைசி வாய்ப்பு பயன்படுத்தி கொள்ளுங்கள்| Скачать
12th Computer Application|Half yearly examination|Question paper with answer key|2024|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Special Stray Counselling result released|அடுத்தது என்ன?|what is next?|Vjalert Скачать
NEET Special Stray Vacency Counselling 2024|Virtual Vacency seat matrix important update|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Choice filling tricks and tips|கடைசி வாய்ப்பு பயன்படுத்தி கொள்ளுங்கள்|Vjalerts Скачать
Tamilnadu Neet special stray Vacency Counselling 2024|Seat matrix released|Seat Matrix update|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Important Alert for Special stray Vacency Counselling 2024|முக்கியமான தகவல்| Скачать
Neet Counselling Special stray Vacency 2024|Final Minute prediction|யாருக்கு இடம் கிடைக்கும்?|2024 Скачать
NEET Special Stray Vacency Counselling 2024|Reallotment counselling|date update|இன்றுடன் நிறைவு?| Скачать
Neet Special Stray Vacency Counselling 2024|very very important update|மிக முக்கியமான தகவல்|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Tamilnadu special stray Vacency Counselling|Great chance to get MBBS|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET special Stray Vacency Counselling Tamilnadu 2024|Counselling schedule released|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Special Stray Counselling 2024|How to move on BDS to MBBS?|Best Idea|நல்ல வாய்ப்பு|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Important information|மாணவர்கள் அனைவருக்கும் மிக முக்கியமான தகவல்|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Special stray Vacency Counselling Date postponed?|Vacancy list update|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Special Stray counselling|Cutoff prediction|யாருக்கு இடம் கிடைக்கும்?|Vjalerts Скачать
Paramedical Counselling 2024|Round3|Vacancy List Released|மகிழ்ச்சியோ மகிழ்ச்சி செய்தி|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Examination 2025|Physics Study Material|Magnetic Field of Electric current|Test|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Special Stray Vacency Counselling|Important Update|மிக முக்கியமான தகவல்|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Special Stray Vacency Counselling confirmed|total Vacency 400|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Special Stray Vacency Counselling Date update|எப்பொழுது ஆரம்பம்?|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Bihar MBBS Stray Vacency Counselling|How to apply for Bihar MBBS counselling?| Скачать
Paramedical counselling 2024|Round 3|counselling date update|Mop up round eligible details|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET 2025|Examination New rules and regulation|age limit new update|புதிய மாற்றம் என்ன?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Stray Vacency Result Released|மகிழ்ச்சி மகிழ்ச்சி|What is next?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|How to check the stray Vacency counselling Result?|எப்பொழுது?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|AIQ|Stray Vacency Counselling Result released|What is next?|அடுத்தது என்ன? Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Stray Vacency Counselling|New seat Matrix|Final Minute update|மகிழ்ச்சி|2024 Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Stray Vacency Counselling|Choice filling|Locking|Final day|கடைசி நாள்|Vjalerts Скачать
Neet counselling 2024|Stray Vacency|Counselling|Important update|மிக மிக முக்கியமான தகவல்|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical counselling Round3|Seat matrix|Update|How to apply for Round3?|Counselling|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Stray Vacency counselling|Seat Matrix|Details|வாய்ப்புகள் ஏராளம்|Vjalerts| Скачать
Neet counselling 2024|Additional security deposit|Payment Details|Who will pay penalty?|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Stray Vacency counselling|Clear seat Matrix|வாய்ப்புகள் அதிகம்|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical counselling round3|Mop up round eligible details|யார் கலந்துகொள்ள முடியும்?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Stray Vacancy Counselling Started|Eligible|registration|payment|Details| Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Round4|Stray Vacancy|Counselling date|Update|எப்பொழுது ஆரம்பம்?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical counselling 2024|Eligibility Details for reallotment counselling|Round3|Date update|2024 Скачать
Paramedical counselling round2 Result released|How to check the round2 paramedical result?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Who is Eligible for round4-stray vacancy?|Eligibility Details for Stray Vacancy|Seat Matrix details| Скачать
Paramedical Counselling 2024|What is next after the result is released?|என்ன செய்வது?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical Counselling Round2|Date Extended|New date update|Choice filling date extended|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical Counselling Round2|Choice filling tricks and tips|இதை பார்த்துவிட்டு பண்ணுங்கள்|Vjalerts Скачать
Paramedical counselling round2|Choice Filling|Demo|Video|step by step|Choice filling|Demo|Vjalerts Скачать
Paramedical counselling round2|Counselling Date Extended?|கலந்தாய்வு தேதியில் மாற்றம்?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical Counselling Round2|Registration Payment|Details|How to pay the registration fees?|2024 Скачать
Paramedical counselling Round2|Choice filling tricks and tips|private Low fees colleges list|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|Counselling Date|Extended|How to unlock the choice lock?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical Counselling Round2|Counselling Schedule Released|How to pay the registration fees?|2024 Скачать
Paramedical Counselling|Round2|Seat Matrix|Full Analysis|கவலை வேண்டாம்|வாய்ப்பு அதிகம்|Vjalerts| Скачать
Neet counselling 2024|Round3|Choice filling tricks|Low fees Colleges list and tricks|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling round3|Choice filling tips and tricks|தவறு செய்தால் இடம் கண்டிப்பாக கிடைக்காது|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|AIQ|Counselling|Result Released|What is next?|அடுத்தது என்ன?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling round3|Date extended again|Choice filling|Choice Locking|Date|Update|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical counselling 2024|Self finance Colleges seat Matrix released|Vacancy list update|Vjalerts Скачать
NEET counselling round3|AIQ|Counselling date extended|Choice filling and locking Date Extended|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|Vacancy list released|Deemed University|vacancy list Full Analysis|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|Online Registration|Choice filling Opened|Last date update|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|State counselling date update|Tamilnadu round3 date extended|Vjalerts| Скачать
Which is Best for Round3?|AIQ or SQ|Choice filling and Cutoff prediction for Round3|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|Choice filling tricks and tips|பிரச்சினை அதிகம்|வாய்ப்பும் அதிகம்|2024 Скачать
GNM|Choice filling Demo|How to pay the fees and choice locking for GNM counselling?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Which is best?|Paramedical counselling or GNM|Application Opened for GNM|How to apply?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET Counselling 2024|Round3|Cutoff prediction|Other State counselling opportunities|for MBBS|2024 Скачать
Neet Counselling 2024|Round3|AIQ|Vacancy list update|Demmed University seat Matrix Round3|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical Counselling 2024|Round1|Reporting date update|Round2|Counselling Tentative schedule|2024 Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|Cutoff prediction|Final chance to study MBBS|கடைசி வாய்ப்பு|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round3|Counselling schedule update|Who will eligible for round3?|Vjalerts| Скачать
Paramedical counselling 2024|Round1|Full Analysis|What is next for not allotted candidates?|Vjalerts Скачать
MBBS Study in abroad|Which is best country to do MBBS?|Which country is low fees structure for MBBS| Скачать
Paramedical counselling 2024|Round1|How to check the result?|when will result release?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling 2024|Round2|Full Analysis|சில விசயங்களை நம்ப முடியவில்லை|அடுத்தது என்ன?|Vjalerts| Скачать
NEET counselling round2|How to check the result?|நாளை முடிவு வந்ததும் என்ன செய்வது?|Vjalerts| Скачать