js13k 2021 day 31: debug, hard mode, share page, decentralized setup, final build, betatest, submit) Скачать
js13k 2021 day 29 (menus, musics, editor, final playthrough/polish/debug/dev times... to finish) Скачать
js13k 2021 day 22 (decentralized study, improve engine/puzzles/editor, world 3, CSS3D discussion) Скачать
js13k 2021 day 18 (world 2, 25 puzzles, double teleporters, puzzle editor, bugfix, menus, playtest) Скачать
#js13k 2021 day 17 (improve world 1 / intro, start world 2's style and portal puzzle mechanics) Скачать
js13k 2021 day 10 (mobile controls, music experiments, creation of a MIDI note extraction tool) Скачать