MY FIRST RATTLESNAKE CATCH Y'ALL! 🥰 #HÂYÂHSCREATION #rattlesnake #snek #noperope #dangernoodle Скачать
They call me Running Bear! Actually, no, no they don't. 🤣👍 #HÂYÂHSCREATION #bear #canIpetthatdog Скачать
My first ever eastern red-spotted newt! Toda raba HÂYÂH! 🥰 #HÂYÂHSCREATION #easternredspottednewt Скачать
Rescue this lil opossum from my neighbor's home! Off to rehab! #HÂYÂHSCREATION #opossum #possum Скачать
I used to think strut spring compressing tools were terrifying until I began setting 220# conibears! Скачать
Rescue mission for a bird trapped in a chimney! #wildlifemanagement #wildliferescue #bird #chimney Скачать
Rescuing a baby opossum! This one went to SW Virginia Wildlife Center! #HÂYÂHSCREATION #opossum Скачать