EU: No future without reforms (20. Salzburg Europe Summit) Institute of the Regions of Europe (IRE) 69 подписчиков Скачать
Spotlight Salzburg Europe Summit: "Verbund ist wichtiger Faktor bei Erneuerbarer Energie" (3) Скачать
Spotlight Salzburg Europe Summit: "Erweiterung dient Sicherheit und Glaubwürdigkeit der EU!" (2) Скачать
Corona and we, personal thoughts from the european regions: Fljorina Hiseni (Upper Austria/Albania) Скачать
Corona and me, personal thoughts from the european regions: Mujo Hadzic, Brčko-Distrikt (BiH) Скачать
Corona and me, personal thoughts from the european regions: Zurab Tchurkveidze, Ajara (Georgia) Скачать
Corona and we, personal thoughts from the european regions: Dragos Anastasiu, Bucharest (Romania) Скачать