Esnoga synagogue Amsterdam R’ Ya’akov Sasportas 1610-1698 JHeritage historical journeys 506 подписчиков Скачать
Diet of Regensburg 1532-Shlomo Molcho’s Messianic demise His flag taken by the jews of Prague Скачать
Regensburg and Prague Petachia of Regensburg (1150-1225?)famous Traveler סיבוב ר׳ פתחיה מרגנשבורג Скачать
Headstone built into facade Regensburg . One of the some 5 thousand uprooted in 1520 רגנסבורג Скачать
Ancient bridge in Regensburg Jews crossed this bridge to relocate to Stadtamhof in 1520 רגנשבורג Скачать
The Holy Sand cemetery in Worms [וורמייזא] Mahara”m M’Rottenburg (1220-1293) was laid to rest here Скачать
The Roke’ach Rabbeinu Elazar ben R’ Yehudah ben R’ Kalonymus [רבינו אלעזר מגרמייזא] 1160-1240 Скачать
The Diet of Speyer(1544)- 3000 gold coins and the Jews get the most expanded charter -CHARLES V Скачать
Encounter with Israeli tourist in Speyer Germany (אשפירא)-charter of privileges 1084-Family Shapiro Скачать
Torah scroll abandoned at doorstep of a church enshrined at the refurbished Weisenau synagogue Скачать
The Holy cemetery of Mainz (מגנצא)-Here lies the founders of Ashkenazi jewry and Teachers of Rashi Скачать
Charlemagne and the Jews -Kalonymus family - Shimon the great of Mainz (מגנצא) 8th -11th century. Скачать
The Holy Martyrs (Kedoshim) that merited to be buried in middle of WWII. Jewish cemetery Holland Скачать