Winning with hair! (Well, one of us). Son is FINALLY getting 💇🏽♂️. Meanwhile, I’m a 🎃. 🤦🏽♀️ Скачать
IT’S ABOUT TIME!! Come make the PASSIVE income you deserve. So easy! Tonight at 7pm PST. Join us! 😘 Скачать
Don’t Be A Disappointment | Are You Half-Assing Your Way Through Life? | Скачать
GYM WORKOUT #2! | Working Out in the Dominican Republic | Al Gimnasio en la República Dominicana Скачать
DO THE BEST WITH WHAT YOU HAVE | Haiti-DR Relations | Speaking Dominican Spanish and assorted topics Скачать
Our Visit to Los Haitises | Day in the Life in the Dominican Republic | Los Haitises National Park Скачать