30) 2022 0521081804 Don't have "/.ssh" on Ubuntu Server?, Need to create "~/.ssh" on Ubuntu Server, Ashutosh Kumar 80 подписчиков Скачать
30) 2022 0521081804 Don't have "/.ssh" on Ubuntu Server?, Need to create "~/.ssh" on Ubuntu Server, Скачать
29) 2022 05 21 07 40 21 Setup PKI, Basic & man-page of "ssh-keygen", Demystify private & public key, Скачать
28) 2022 04 30 09 26 29 diff y R1 Pre R1 Post, use of colordiff vs diff, example with "git diff", Скачать
27) 20220430082709 Ansible builtin Backup sub module, Challenges with Playbook execution and tshoot. Скачать
26 What is UID & GID, What is /etc/passwd, What is /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow, Use of Id & groups Скачать
24 cmd RAW over Rack Infra, layer2 switching Rack infra, understand console line, Access switch's IP Скачать
23 Understand ssh file, ssh file ~/.ssh/, ssh file /etc/ssh/ssh_config, Understand the ssh_config Скачать
22 Take exception to Rack, Access switch connectivity, AS=, L2switch IP range .33 to .36 Скачать
21 Module -m service, How to stop/start/restart service, Example service for NTP, How to check serv. Скачать
20 module -m apt, apt with update_cache, apt with valid_cache_time, apt & dpkg --get-selection etc Скачать
19 module -m copy, module -m user, How to use copy & user module in adhoc command, Example for copy, Скачать
18 setup builtin module, file builtin module, How to search doc for module, What are ansible.builtin Скачать
17 ANSIBLE Transport OpenSSH, How to update Timezone, Router SSH parameters, crypto parameters, RSA Скачать
16 Most basic Ansible Modules, -m command, -m shell, -m raw, agent less module raw, Default module. Скачать
15 Ansible Inventory, Difference between system & ansible inventory, Test with "ping": "pong" module Скачать
14 Ansible Module ping pong, localhost 1270.0.1 -m ping, Understand the "ping" module with example. Скачать
13 Ansible Basic, what is ansible, installation, ansible docs, ansible test. Скачать
12 Data Format xml json yaml, Data Modelling for automation, extensible markup language, YAML, Скачать
11 Linux File permission, rwx, g+rw, chgrp, chmod, chown, chmod 777, chmod 664, drwx---, -rwx--- Скачать
10 Linux Piping, Pipe with redirection, Pipe with tee, Pipe with xargs, Pipe with grep & cut & awk. Скачать
09 Linux Ubuntu redirection with std input, std output & std error, data stream use for redirection Скачать
08 Linux manual, man page, man syntax "man -k keyword", verify -k value, man 8 ip, man echo, man cp Скачать
07 nano [file], vi and vim editor, i=insert, use Esc, :wq! error if :qw!, nano with ctrl+x or 'o', Скачать
06 rm, rmdir, cp, mv, remove or delete, copy, move, rename, cut, past file/folder, cp-mv to homeDir Скачать
05 Linux Essential Part 3, Viewing file content, cat, less, more, head, tail, tac, rev, grep, cut. Скачать
04 Linux Essential Part 2, Terminal, Shell, History with ! & !!, History -c & -w, touch, Mkdir, cli. Скачать
03 Linux Essential Part 1, Terminal, cd, ls, ll, ls -lah, cal, echo, date, Cmd: commandName options. Скачать
02 LAB Topology Discussed, Ansible control node, Putty Installation, log capturing, vboxnet0, virbr0 Скачать
01 Very First Step toward Automation, Installation & Provisioning the Virtual Box, Verify dpkg VBox. Скачать