The Gospel of St. John 1:1-4:29 by Msgr. James C. Turro: 6. St John 3:1-4:29 Catholic Thinkers 2,43 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Modern Philosophy by John Hittinger, Ph.D.: 3. The Sweep of the Project: Hobbes, Spinoza, Pascal Скачать
Analytic Philosophy by Laura Garcia, Ph.D.: 10. A Modest Proposal: Ordinary Language Philosophy Скачать
Analytic Philosophy by Laura Garcia, Ph.D.: 7. Testing God: Accomodationist Philosophy of Religion Скачать
Analytic Philosophy by Laura Garcia, Ph.D: 5. Seeking Rock Bottom: Verification Criterion of Meaning Скачать
Metaphysics by Ralph McInerny, Ph.D.: 2. Presuppositions, Incorruptibility, Proof of Prime Mover Скачать
Logic by Anthony Andres, Ph.D.: 6. The Kinds of Statements and Relations of Opposition Between Them Скачать
The Counter-Reformation by Rev. Maurice W. Sheehan, O.F.M.Cap. 4. Popes and The New Religious Orders Скачать
The Counter-Reformation by Rev. Maurice W. Sheehan, O.F.M. Cap. 1. Bibliography Introductory Info Скачать
Introduction to Latin by Thomas Scheck, Ph.D: 11. Translating Apostles' Creed and St. John 1:1 Скачать
Introduction to Latin by Thomas Scheck, Ph.D: 10. Translating Nunc Dimittis and Apostles Creed Скачать
Introduction to Latin by Thomas Scheck, Ph.D: 7. Participles Imperatives Subjunctives Pronouns Скачать
Moral Theology: Biblical Foundations: 1. Difficulties in Constructing a Biblical Moral Theology Скачать
Patristics by Rev. Douglas Mosey: 4.The Fathers Theological Anthropology, Teaching of the Sacraments Скачать
Patristics by Rev. Douglas Mosey: 2. Intro to the Major Church Fathers, The Trinitarian Question Скачать
Nature and Grace by Rev. Brian Mullady: 6. The Nature, Necessity, and Effects of Sanctifying Grace Скачать
Two Critical Moments by Rev. Marvin O'Connell: 3. Persecutions, Councils of Nicaea & Chalcedon Скачать
The Moral Magisterium of John Paul II by Msgr. William B. Smith: 6. Evangelium Vitae Chapter 3 Скачать
The Moral Magisterium of John Paul II by Msgr. William B. Smith: 3. Conscience and its Application Скачать
On Redemptor Hominis by John Hittinger: 13. Dynamic Restlessness and Man's Supernatural Destiny Скачать
Theology of the Old Testament by Fr. Kenneth A. Baker: 11. Obediah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk Скачать
Theology of the Old Testament by Kenneth A. Baker: 12. Zephanaiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Скачать
Theology of the Old Testament by Fr. Kenneth A. Baker: 7.Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Sirach Скачать
Theology of the Old Testament by Fr. Kenneth A. Baker: 4. 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit Скачать
Theology of the Old Testament by Fr. Kenneth A. Baker: 2. Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges Скачать
Elements of Moral Theology by Fr. Romanus Cessario: 6. Virtues, Gifts, Charisms of the Moral Life Скачать
Elements of Moral Theology by Fr. Romanus Cessario: 1. Moral Theology; Why is it Teleological? Скачать
The One and Triune God by Fr. Kenneth A. Baker: 10. The Three Persons are Subsistent Relations Скачать