Continue to grow and develop as a Data Science leader (BTGNY Fireside Chat #23) Business & Technology of Greater New York 53 подписчика Скачать
Private equity market challenges, especially for a woman entrepreneur (BTGNY Fireside Chat #37) Скачать
Fireside Chat Webinar w/ Chief Experience Officer of American Medical Association (BTGNY Chat #35) Скачать
Advice for someone going into a leadership position for the first time (BTGNY Fireside Chat #33) Скачать
How can IT professionals gain a better understanding of the business (BTGNY Fireside Chat #31) Скачать
How can IT professionals gain a better understanding of the business (BTGNY Fireside Chat #31) Скачать
Advice for someone going into a leadership position for the first time (BTGNY Fireside Chat #31) Скачать
Advice for someone going into a leadership position for the first time (BTGNY Fireside Chat #31) Скачать
Advice for someone going into a leadership position for the first time (BTGNY Fireside Chat #31) Скачать
How can IT professionals gain a better understanding of the business (BTGNY Fireside Chat #29) Скачать
Importance of IT execs to do marketing/PR of delivered products/services (BTGNY Fireside Chat #30) Скачать
Advice for someone going into a leadership position for the first time (BTGNY Fireside Chat #30) Скачать
Fireside chat w/ Sami Viitamäki Managing Director @ Sullivan & Libby Swan Co-Founder/MD @ PRDXN Скачать
How to help a new employee understand the culture of your organization (BTGNY Fireside Chat #24) Скачать
Making Mischief: What if your inner engineer is also an artist? Fireside chat w/ Mark Pollard Скачать
BTGNY - A large customer base changes your relationship with your customers (Fireside Chat #19) Скачать
BTGNY Fireside chat with Kai Yen CTO and Co-Founder of Purple Squirrel, Part 1, Moderator Q&A Скачать