Interview: Jasmin ADEMOVIC (Sarajevo City Council): Exchanging with other Cities thanks to BAMM MedCities 206 подписчиков Скачать
Interview: Jasmin ADEMOVIC (Sarajevo City Council): Exchanging with other Cities thanks to BAMM Скачать
Interview: Ziad Al Sayeh (Bethlehem City Council): The Climate Change challenges of Bethlehem city Скачать
Interview: Ziad Al Sayeh (Bethlehem City Council): The BAMM, exchanging knowledge with other cities Скачать
Interview: Penélope Gómez (Málaga City Council): The BAMM, sharing knowledge with other cities Скачать
Interview: Penélope Gómez, Málaga City Council: The Climate Change challenges of the City of Málaga Скачать
Interview: Josep Canals (SG MedCities): What does this first edition of BAMM mean to MedCities? Скачать
Interview: David Llistar (BCN City Council): The need to celebrate the BAMM in the current context Скачать
Interview: Joan Delgado (Barcelona City Council): Sharing challenges among Mediterranean cities Скачать
Interview: Josep Canals, SG MedCities: What was MedCities’ main motivation to celebrate the BAMM? Скачать
Interview: Josep Canals, SG MedCities: How does the 1st edition of the BAMM help MedCities' members? Скачать
Interview: Jasmin ADEMOVIC (Sarajevo City Council): Sarajevo's challenges concerning climate change Скачать
Interview with David Llistar (Barcelona City Council): The need of a real Mediterranean Cooperation Скачать
Interview Mr.Palacios, Environmental Management of Beaches from Barcelona Metropolitan Area (III) Скачать
Interview Mr. Palacios, Environmental Management of Beaches from Barcelona Metropolitan Area (II) Скачать
Interview with D. Palacios, Environmental Manag.of Beaches from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (I) Скачать
Interview with Miguel Méndez, Advisor to the Deputy Council for Operational Services, Málaga (III) Скачать
Interview with Miguel Méndez, Advisor to the Deputy Council for Operational Services, Málaga (II) Скачать
Interview with Miguel Méndez, Advisor to the Deputy Council for Operational Services, Málaga (I) Скачать
Interview with Yaren UstabaŞ, Urban Planner, Climate Change and Zero Waste Department, Bodrum (I) Скачать
Interview to Yaren USTABAŞ, Urban Planner, Climate Change & Zero Waste Department from Bodrum (II) Скачать
Interview to Yaren USTABAŞ, Urban Planner, Climate Change & Zero Waste Department from Bodrum (III) Скачать
Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Metropolitan Initiatives Workshop (Barcelona,18-19 Sep 2024) Скачать
Résumé du premier Forum de Formation et d’Emploi de Tétouan du projet TT Emploi (juillet 2024) Скачать
Interview Ms. Rama El Ezzi (Amman) about the metropolitan cooperation structure and the challenges Скачать
Entretien Rama El Ezzi (Amman) : La structure de coopération métropolitane et modèle de gouvernance Скачать
"La construction d’une gouvernance métropolitaine dans la région Méditerranéenne" - La coordination Скачать
Seminar: “Building Metropolitan governance in the Mediterranean region” - Metropolitan cooperation Скачать
"La construction d’une gouvernance métropolitaine dans la région Méditerranéenne"- Coop. Métropolit. Скачать
Interview: Rama El Ezzi (Amman) about the lessons learnt from the years of metropolitan cooperation Скачать
Entretien: Ms. El Ezzi (Amman) sur les leçons aprises après des années de coopération métropolitaine Скачать
Interview Maria Karagianni (Thessaloniki): metropolitan coordination structure for urban development Скачать
Entretien avec Ms. Semlali (Agadir) sur la mobilité urbaine et la construction de la gouvernance Скачать
Entretien Ms. Semlali (Agadir) à propost des défis métropolitains et la gouvernance dans la région Скачать
Intrw. Mrs.Semlali (Agadir) mobility: “Building Metropolitan governance in the Mediterranean region” Скачать
Int. with Ms. Nazik Semlali (Agadir): “Building Metropolitan governance in the Mediterranean region” Скачать
Entretien M. Omar OULAD (Tanger) sur les enjeux de la rélation entre la métropole et la capitale Скачать
Entretien M. Omar OULAD (Tanger) sur les structures qui assurent le développement du territoire Скачать
Entretien M. Omar OULAD (Tanger) sur le dévélopement de la ville comme pôle économique et logistique Скачать
Interview Mr. Omar Oulad (Tangier) about the relation between the metropolis and its surroundings Скачать
Interview Ms. Omar Oulad (Tangier) about the development of small municipalities bordering Tangier Скачать
Interview Mr.Omar Oulad (Tangier) about the city as an international economic and ligostics hub Скачать
Entretien avec M. JC LARDIC (Marseille) sur le cadre juridique actuel et les changements sociétaux Скачать
Interview Mr. JC Lardic (Marseille) about the legal framework and the societal challenges in cities Скачать
Entretien M. JC LARDIC (Marseille) - Les défis actuels et la création de la métropole à Marseille Скачать
Entretien M.JC LARIC (Marseille)- Adaptation de la gouvernance territoriale et les défis climatiques Скачать
Interview Mr. JC Lardic (Marseille) about the future urban development challenges for Marseille Скачать
Interview Mr. JC Lardic (Marseille) about the territorial governance and the climate challenges Скачать
Interview Elisenda Alamany (AMB). Metropolitan governance: The evaluation of supralocal cooperation Скачать
E. Alamany: "La construction d’une gouvernance métropolitaine dans la région Méditerranéenne" Fr1 Скачать
Interview to E.Alamany. Metropolitan governance: Current changelleges of Barcelona Metropolitan Area Скачать
E. Alamany (AMB) Gouvernance métropolitaine: les défis actules de l'Aire Métropolitaine de Barcelone Скачать
“Building Metropolitan governance in the Mediterranean region” - Panel on intermunicipal cooperation Скачать
"La construction d’une gouvernance métropolitaine dans la région Méditerranéenne"- coop.intercomunal Скачать
"La construction d’une gouvernance métropolitaine dans la région Méditerranéenne" - Débat politique Скачать
Visit to Metropolitan beaches-“Building Metropolitan Governance in the Mediterranean region” seminar Скачать
Visite aux plages métropolitanes pour le séminaire sur la gouvernance métropolitaine en méditerranée Скачать
Visit to LA CIBA during the seminar dedicated to metropolitan governance in the Mediterranean Скачать
Opening Session “Building Metropolitan governance in the Mediterranean region” celebrated in the AMB Скачать
Séance d'ouverture "La construction d’une gouvernance métropolitaine dans la région Méditerranéenne" Скачать
La réussite de la collaboration entre organisations environnem., secteur privé et autorités locales Скачать
Success in the collaboration between environmental organizations, private sector & local authorities Скачать
Identification d’aires marines protégées périurbaines pour cibler les aires protégées urbaines Скачать
The approach for the identification of “peri-urban” MPAs to address urban-protected areas challenges Скачать
Vidéo de sensibilisation sur le Plan RENC à Gabès : motivations et principales lignes de travail Скачать
"How cities learn on urban transports?", a seminar of the METROSolutions international conference Скачать
EMPLOIMed project offers more than 400 training and 80 job opportunities in Chefchaouen and M’Saken Скачать
Interview with Javi Carmona during the Urban Transport Community regional seminar in Barcelona Скачать
Campagne de participation de la Stratégie de Ville de Tunis: "Notre capitale, c’est notre projet" Скачать
A'SIMA Tunis - Planification stratégique et gouvernance pour une ville métropolitaine résiliente Скачать
Workshop on sustainable cities cooperation, co-organised by MedCities, UNEP/MAP, the UfM and ARLEM Скачать
Projet à Tétouan dans le quartier de Nakkata: Perspective de genre dans l'analyse urbaine à Tétouan Скачать
V1. Projecte REFGOLMED a Chefchaouen: formació preparació i muntatge d'instal.lacions fotovoltaiques Скачать
Politiques et projets de jeunesse : Exemples d'inclusion dans les activités municipales (3/3) Скачать
Politiques locales de Jeunesse : Les portes d’accès jeunes dans l’elaboration des politiques (5/5) Скачать
V2. Growing Dannieh project for the potential of agriculture to articulate social cohesion projects. Скачать
"Growing Dannieh" dedicated to the potential of agriculture to articulate social cohesion projects. Скачать
Highlights of the webinar sessions Interreg MED about local strategies to decrease carbon emissions Скачать
3rd session of the municipal Solid Waste Management training module for MedCities city members Скачать
انتخابات مجلس الشباب ببلدية مساكن، تونس - Éléctions du Conseil des Jeunes de M’Saken, Tunisie Скачать
Module 2 - Formation en ligne sur la régénération urbaine des centres anciens en Tunisie - 27/01/21 Скачать
Module 1 - Formation sur la régénération urbaine des centres anciens en Tunisie- 25 Janvier 2021 Скачать
L’avenir de Tunis : Métropole méditerranéenne durable. مدينة تونس مستقبلا :حاضرة متوسطية مستدامة Скачать
La création et animation d'un organe de participation des jeunes au niveau municipal en Tunisie. Скачать
MedCities Secretary-General, Mr. Josep Canals speech during the #COP21 in Naples, December 2019. Скачать
Interview with Khaled Ben Abdessalem - Climate change and urban resilience in Mediterranean cities Скачать
Interview with Meinolf Spiekermann - Local governance and citizen participation in the Mediterranean Скачать
Interview with Janette Uhlmann - International cooperation, innovation and economic development Скачать
Interview with Dan Lewis - Knowledge platforms and future economic and environmental challenges Скачать